Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Taxman 2 page 1

Taxman 2 page 1 by ric Gustafson

Zacchaeus ran up to the crowd gathering along the road. He tried to elbow his way through the crowd. Fellow tax collectors had been telling him about this Rabbi named Jesus. The more they told him, the more he was intrigued about him. One day, Zacchaeus heard that the Rabbi was going to be traveling through town. On that day, he left his tax booth early and went looking for the Rabbi.
Zacchaeus knew he was going to lose money by leaving his booth early but he did not care. Something inside his heart was stirring. He wanted to see the Rabbi for himself. As he neared the crowd, he knew from the noise that the Rabbi was coming closer. Because he was short in statue, he tried to elbow his way through the crowd to no avail.
The crowd pushed Zacchaeus back because he was short and also because they knew who he was.
" Get back to your tax booth, you louse".
Zacchaeus heard the Rabbi approaching. He knew that he had to do something drastic. He looked down the road and noticed a huge sycamore tree up ahead.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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