Sunday, February 15, 2015

Simon the sorcerer

Simon the sorcerer by ric Gustafson

Simon threw the stick on the ground and it became a snake. The crowd clapped it's approval. He took the same stick, struck a rock and water came out. He smiled knowing the people of this Samaritan village adored him and his little magic tricks. People nicknamed him the ' the Great Wizard'. He loved being the most famous one in town. One day as he was performing a trick, a young man walked up to him.
" The Kingdom of God is at hand, I come in the name of Jesus Christ".
Simon found out that the young man's name was Phillip and that he was a follower of the Rabbi from Galilee who was crucified.
Lots of the townspeople were baptized by Phillip and did not care about Simon any longer.
Simon decided himself to be baptized by Phillip. After doing so, he followed Phillip everywhere.
Peter and John came and prayed for the newly baptized might receive the Holy Spirit. They put their hands on the townspeople and the Holy Spirit came upon them.
Simon approached the two apostles. " I will give you money if you will bestow me the ability of the Holy Spirit".
Peter spoke up. " You can't buy the gift of God with money".
Simon looked at them. " Pray to the Lord for me".
Peter and John returned to Jerusalem preaching the gospel.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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