Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Life Of Purpose page 1

A Life Of Purpose page 1 by ric Gustafson

I walked up the long concrete sidewalk past some small houses that were well taken care of. As I walked, doubt clouded my mind. I was depressed and felt sad a lot. Inside, I felt that I had no purpose in life. I had just lost my job and had difficulties in my marriage. A friend told me to go to 4344 Elm Street. They told me to ask the person living there for some advice and reassurance.
I noticed the address and then stopped. There was a small white picket fence surrounding a small but well kept up two story white house. There was a front porch with a rocking chair and next to the right side of the house was the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. Watering some red roses was a gray haired gentleman. He had on a white t shirt, white shorts and a straw hat.
" Hello Nicholas". He smiled as he kept watering the roses. " How are you doing this evening?".
I scratched my chin. " How did you know my name was Nicholas?".
" I know everything about you". He chuckled. " Do you like my flowers?".
" Their beautiful".
" I love working on them". He walked over and turned off the water. " Especially in the early evening when it is cooler out".
He walked over and sat down in the rocking chair. " Nicholas, what can I do for you?".
" I wanted to ask you a question?".
" And what question is that?".
I looked right at him. " Why am I here?".

research help: original story

Happy Lent and God's blessings. Love Ric

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