Saturday, February 28, 2015

Lent 2015 February 28

Lent 2015 February 28 by ric Gustafson

Mark 6:3 says ' isn't this the carpenter? isn't he Mary's son?'.
Jesus was a carpenter and Mary's son. Jesus was God who came to earth. Jesus was also a man who grew up in a small town with a family and had a trade. The townspeople probably considered him strange for leaving and wandering around the countryside.
When Jesus came back home, it was nearly impossible to see him as their Savior. He was a common and familiar figure in his time and place. Jesus walked the earth as a common man. God's love and mercy are given to us every day if we have eyes to see.

research help: ' The Sanctuary for Lent 2015' by Sue Mink

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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