Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Jailer 2013

The Jailer 2013 by ric gustafson

The Jailer pointed to four of his guards as he checked the stocks. " The magistrates have ordered me to guard two prisoners with my life". He gave them a concerned but stern look. " At the risk of your own lives, bring them here safely".
One of the scared guards spoke up. " What did they do?".
" A slave girl was saying that the two were servants of the most high God". He hesitated as he gathered his thoughts. " One of the two named Paul turned and said ' in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her' ".
" Then what happened?".
" The owner of the slave girl was enraged and had them beaten to an inch of their lives". He pointed at them. " Bring them here, now go".
Later, the guards brought in the prisoners. The Jailer could tell that their backs were torn apart and bleeding. He carefully put them into the stocks and made sure the cell was secured. The Jailer went to his room to sleep thinking everything was alright.
About midnight, the Jailer woke up and heard the two prisoners singing and praying. He went back to sleep thinking that the incident was strange. Shortly after, he woke up again when he felt the walls and the foundation of the prison shake as if it was an earthquake.
As he walked toward the prisoner's cell, he heard the stocks fall to the ground with a big clang and the prisoner's door open. ' The prisoners must have escaped' he thought as he drew his sword to kill himself. As he reached the open cell door, he heard one of the prisoners.
" Don't harm yourself, we are all here".
He turned on the lights and then ran into the cell. He fell down on his face in front of Paul and Silas. " Sirs, what must I do to be saved?".
Paul smiled with compassion. " Believe in the Lord Jesus and you and your household will be saved".
The Jailer washed their torn backs and then he and his entire family were baptized by Paul and Silas. He brought Paul and Silas to his house and set a meal before them. The Jailer was filled with joy because now he believed in God and he and his entire family would be with God forever.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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