Friday, May 17, 2013

Starship Enterprise D: Engineering

Starship Enterprise D: Engineering by ric gustafson

The chief engineering officer on Starship Enterprise D was Geordi La Forge. He's blind but uses a device called a Visor to give him superior vision. He was an effective leader because of his technical brilliance and his empathy for the men and women under his command.
The power source for the starship's warp drive was a reactor core which was located in the ship's hull. The core was a chamber in which hydrogen mixes with its antimatter counterpart. The result was a tremendous amount of power in which mass is converted into energy. In the warp core, dilithium crystals were mounted in the frame. These crystals were very valuable in the Galaxy and rare. A master systems display console was used as a work console and troubleshooting during crisis situations. The master situation monitor was used to display all of the ship's main systems. The impulse engine was used to create impulse drive which created massive energy to drive the starship. The warp nacelles were outboard engine pods which were kept away from the main crew module for safety reasons. Inside the warp nacelles were field coils which helped the ship keep up its faster than light speed. Next we will look at the tactical systems.

research help: ' On Board the U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 D' by Denise and Michael Okuda

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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