Friday, May 10, 2013

habits: breaking bad habits

habits: breaking bad habits by ric gustafson

The first thing about bad habits we need to ask ourselves is are we serious about breaking them. Breaking bad habits takes a strong commitment, time and hard work. Breaking bad habits is hard but with God's help we can do it. Instead of saying I can't do it, we need to say I can with God's help.
Jesus knew that he had to endure the cross. He was able to through prayer, leaning on his Father and a strong commitment to the will of God. We need to know that God loves us and that Jesus can set us free.
In order to break a bad habit, we first must believe that 's it's possible to change. We must believe God's Word that we are already free from bad habits and can change with Jesus's help. Our thoughts control our actions and we need to think that I can do this with God's help.
We need to figure out what provokes us to do the bad habit. Is it stress, are we lonely or bored or are we tempted during a certain time of day. If we can avoid the triggers, it might help us. We need to focus on one bad habit at a time or we will be overwelmed. Thinking about what might happen to us if we continue the bad habit might help.
God wants us to have positive faith filled habits that will honor him.

research help: ' Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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