Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hindenburg page 2

Hindenburg page 2 by ric gustafson

Rolf saw the name ' Hindenburg' near the mooring cone as he walked up to the stairs. Underneath the belly of the airship was the control gondola which seemed small compared to the size of the huge airship. Ahead were some observation windows and at the tail end were four rocket like fins that had swastika's on them.
As he neared the aluminum retractable stairway, he overheard two young Luftwaffe officers conversing.
" Why are we using dangerous hydrogen gas instead of the safer helium gas?".
" It's cheaper and we can store more cargo and carry more passengers".
A white jacketed steward pointed at Rolf. " Next on board".
Rolf carefully walked up the aluminum stairway and inside where another steward greated him.
" I am Willy Mather, assistant head steward". He clicked his heels. " I will be showing you around this fabulous airship".
Rolf and the other passengers around him smiled back.
" Follow me". They walked up some stairs. " This is B Deck".
Rolf noticed the bar and smoking room.
They walked up some more stairs. " This is A Deck where the cabins and dining area is". He pointed toward the front of the airship. " Down this way is the pride of the airship".
Rolf raised his hand. " And what is that?".
" Our observation deck".

research help: ' The Hindenburg Murders' by Max Allan Collins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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