Monday, May 6, 2013

Busch page 9

Busch page 9 by ric gustafson

Gussie and Trudy lived in a six bedroom home at Grant's Farm. They had a son Adolphus IV in July 1953 and Beatrice in July 1954. At the time, Gusie was the highest paid executive in St Louis with an income of more than $200,000 a year. But he was cash poor with all of his wealth in company stock. Their residence Grant's Farm became one of the most popular tourist attractions in St Louis.
Trudy gave birth to five more children, Peter, Gertrude, Billy, Andrew and Christina. The children were expected to help maintain the farm which was near three hundred acres.
In 1954, Gussie tried to increase the price per case of Budweiser which turned into a disaster. That year a steep decline in sales let Schlitz regain the number one position again. By 1957, a new advertising campaign helped Anheuser Busch regain the number one slot again. At this time, the brewery started tours including the now historic Brew House. Gussie envisioned a theme park similiar to Grant's Farm being built next to the new plant they were building in Tampa Florida. Opening in March 1959, Busch Gardens became an expression of the vision of Gussie Busch.
In May 1958, Gussie's mother Alice died while taking a nap. She was ninety two and suffered from Parkinson's. In her will, she gave Grant's Farm to Gussie.
By the start of the 1960's, things were looking good for Gussie, Trudy and the brewery.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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