Friday, May 31, 2013

I Am: a God who was one of us

I Am: a God who was one of us by ric gustafson

Isaiah 7:14- ' The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel'.

People of all ages have questions. Does God understand my pain and my anxieties?. People want to know if there is a God who understands what they are going through?.  People wonder if a perfect God can relate to an imperfect me. The answer to that is a resounding yes. God came down to us as a man rejected, weary, stressed and heartbroken at the ugliness of humanity. God became flesh and came to our human level.  God came to us as a baby in Bethlehem. God came as Immanuel or God with us. God atoned for us by having his Son die for us. God wants us to immitate his Son and yield our life to him. God became one of us and through his Son, saved us forever.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 6 page 2

No Time chapter 6 page 2 by ric gustafson

Professor Raupp knelt down and picked up a handful of leaves and dirt. " These one inch bugs have been under these trees sucking on tree roots and waiting for seventeen years".
" Seventeen years!" Bryson exclaimed as he stared at the Professor. " They've been waiting for seventeen years for what?".
" Hanky Panky".
Jessica grinned. " Hanky Panky?".
" That's right, after a few weeks of that they will die and their offspring will go back underground until 2030".
" Unbelievable".
" Another interesting fact about cicadas is how loud they are".
Bryson smiled. " I remember hearing them in the summer growing up".
" Their noise has been recorded at 94 decibels".
" Professor, how many of these insects are going to emerge?".
" Estimates are thirty billion up to one trillion".
" Are they dangerous to us?".
The Professor shook his head. " No, at worst they might damage a few saplings or young shrubs".

research help: an Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Living Water: thirsting for a clear conscience

The Living Water: thirsting for a clear conscience by ric gustafson

Proverbs 28: 13-14 points out that we need to admit when we have made a mistake and to learn from it. The bible passage says ' people who cover over their sins will not prosper'. The passage also says ' but if they confess and forsake them, they will receive mercy, blessed are those who have a tender conscience but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble'.  First Timothy 1:9 says to ' cling tightly to your faith in Christ, and always keep your conscience clear, for some people have deliberately violated their conscience as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked'. This passage reminds us that our conscience is a blessing from God. Our faith will be strengthened when we work hard to keep a clear conscience.

research help: ' Living Water for those who thirst'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: a God who gives

I Am: a God who gives by ric gustafson

Romans 8:32- ' Will he not graciously give us all things'.

God created us to care for one another. God is love and it is his essence. A demonstration of God's love is when we give because God gives to us. When God said give and it shall be given to you, he was saying give and consider oneself last. When God created Adam and Eve, God was giving of himself unconditionally. God's capacity to love and give will never end. God gives when he finds someone with empty hands who is willing to receive it. We need to go to God with all of our problems, struggles and questions and he will give give give.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

No Time chapter 6 page 1

No Time chapter 6 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson and Jessica walked up to a man who was wearing white coveralls and a large straw hat. " Good afternoon Professor Raupp".
" Well Jessica, good afternoon to you too" the middleaged man said as he took off his hat and mopped the sweat off of his brow. " Who is your friend?".
" This is Bryson and he's helping me make deliveries today". She handed the Professor a small wrapped package. " Here is your fixed watch from Father Time".
" Thank you" was his reply as he began writing something in a small blue spiral notebook.
Bryson stared. " Professor, why are you staring at these trees so intently?".
" Well Bryson my boy, I'm beginning to study a seventeen year mystery involving time and insects".
" Insects?".
" A specific kind of cicadas".
Bryson smiled. " I hear cicadas every summer".
" This is a different kind of cicada".
" Professor, what's it's name?".
" These are called magicicadas".

research help: an Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Living Water: thirsting to resolve conflict

The Living Water: thirsting to resolve conflict by ric gustafson

In his letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul encourages us to work on resolving problems and disagreements. I Corinthians 6:3 says don't you realize that we christians will judge angels, so you should surely be able to resolve ordinary disagreements here on earth. Paul reminds us that we are not helpless that we can depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to help us resolve conflicts.
Paul in II Corinthians 7:5-6 explains that when he arrived in Macedonia, there were many problems and conflicts to confront. He was encouraged and strengthened when his friend Titus came. We can know that when strife and conflict enters our lives, God will come and help us through those difficulties.

research help: ' Living Water for those who thirst'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Living Water: thirsting for confidence

The Living Water: thirsting for confidence by ric gustafson

Throughout the ages, God has proven himself to be dependable and trustworthy. Psalm 118:8-9 states that it is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in people. The passage also says that it is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in princes. Proverbs 25:19 gives us a good picture of how foolish it is to put our confidence in people. The passage tells us that like a bad tooth or a lame foot should be our reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble.
People will always fail us but God never will.

research help: ' The Living Water for those who thirst'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the fine print page 1

the fine print page 1 by ric gustafson

Horace angrily pulled the mower out of it's place in the garage and began to fill it with gas. " Why do I have to mow now?".
Gloria walked into the two car garage with the mail in her hand. " Because you promised me days ago that you would do it".
After filling the small tank. he put the small black cap back on. " I'm already in a bad mood because we couldn't get that Corvette Stingray".
She walked toward the door leading to the kitchen. " You know that we could not afford that car". She gave him a wry smile. " As soon as you mow the lawn, we'll go to the Temptation Mega Mart just like I promised".
He pulled the mower out into the driveway.
" Were you able to check out any job openings at bowling centers?".
" There were openings at Salvation Lanes that I will check out".
She opened the kitchen door. " Ok".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Great Harvest 101 page 4

The Great Harvest 101 page 4 by ric gustafson

Doreen Hatsell walked up to the wooden podium. " Mr Freeman, that was not an easy passage tonight".
" About Matthew 28:19-20".
She gave him a perplexed look. " I'm still not sure about it".
" Open your bible and we'll take a look at it".
She opened a small black pocket bible. " I found it".
" What does the passage talk about?".
" Jesus told his church to make disciples". She gave him another perplexed look. " I still don't understand how the concept of grain goes with this passage".
" Tonight I used the illustration of reaping or cutting a stalk of grain to help describe this bible passage".
" Can you explain that to me one more time?".
Mr Freeman walked up to the board and wrote the word ' Reaping' on it. " The first thing farmers do with wheat is cut the stalk".
" Ok".
" Reaping a spiritual harvest is when someone decides to cut himself off from his old life and commit to a new life in Christ".
" Oh I see".
" Next week, I'm going to talk about the concept of Threshing in regard to this bible passage".

research help: Turning Points April 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: a forgiving God

I Am: a forgiving God by ric gustafson

Romans 5:10- ' When we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son'.

Sometimes we as christians treat unbelievers as us versus them. But the Apostle Paul in the fifth chapter of Romans explains that all humankind has been reconciled to God through Christ. Through the Good News, all have been forgiven so come and receive the free gift of God. When we respond to God's free gift, we need to come in true faith and repentence. God does not want us to treat unbelievers as enemies because if we do they will become enemies. We need to remember as followers of God, we need to treat everyone with love and that God can forgive anyone if they wish.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Great Harvest 101 page 3

The Great Harvest 101 page 3 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman wrote on the whiteboard. He looked up to see that it was 6:00. " Ok class, let's get started". He pointed at the board.  " Can someone tell me what I have on the board?".
A hand went up.
" Yes Sharon".
" Help Wanted Harvesters Needed".
" Do you know who always has this help wanted sign out?".
A hand went up. " Jesus".
" Jesus walked through villages and towns sowing seed for a future harvest".
A hand went up. " But the laborers are few".
" That is what Matthew 9:37-38 talks about". He looked around the room. " Has anybody been involved in an agriculture harvest?".
A few hands went up.
" A modern combine can reap, thresh and winnow at least 100 acres a day". " I am talking about a different kind of harvest".
A hand went up. " Mr Freeman, what kind of harvest?".
" A spiritual harvest". He smiled. " Next week we will talk about making disciples based on Matthew 28".

research help: Turning Points April 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I Am: freedom from guilt

I Am: freedom from guilt by ric gustafson

As followers of God, we are thankful for being saved from Satan but we are still vulnerable to his attacks. Satan knows that we feel guilt when we sin and tries to trip us up. He is the accuser and tries to steer us away from our heavenly Father. He tries to wear us down and discourage us.
The good news is that God not only pardoned us but calls us righteous. Because God calls us righteous, we are free to deal with sin because we are always in God's presence. We can deal with our sinful attitudes because we have security with God.
Because God has declared us righteous, even though Satan tries to accuse us we have security in God. In this place of security, we have victory over our sins. We can rest in God's arms knowing that we have freedom from guilt and can be in God's presence forever.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I Am: the freedom to change

I Am: the freedom to change by ric gustafson

II Corinthians 3:17- ' Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom'.

Because we are christians, we try hard to be righteous in God's eyes. We feel insecure because we know that we deserve punishment. This passage from Corinthians states that where the Spirit is, there is freedom. According to the Apostle Paul, this is the law of sin and death. When God created Adam and Eve, they had unhindered communion with God. When they sinned, self centeredness entered their hearts.
Grace is that we have God's favor when we do not deserve it. God accepts us unconditionally and as is. The freedom to change will come when we thirst after the Spirit, focus on Jesus, this will bring obedience. God alone gives us the power to change, the desire to change and the freedom to change.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Am: the mender of hearts

I Am: the mender of hearts by ric gustafson

Ephesians 2:13- ' But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near'.

Rejection is hard for our sinful hearts. To think that we are not needed or wanted is hard to take. God did not intend for our hearts to feel that way. Adam and Eve had a fall and we suffer the consequences. Because of rejection, fear enters our heart. Fear hurts our relationships with others and with God. God accepts us as is with no strings attached. He accepts us unconditionally which is also called justification.
We might feel unaccepted but God has already accepted us into heaven. God's grace given to us is an expression of his love for us. When our hearts feel rejected, we need to remember that God has already accepted us as is and will heal and mend our sinful hearts.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I Am: the grace of God

I Am: the grace of God by ric gustafson

Romans 5:1-2- ' We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand'.

Grace is very important to a christian because it is God's favor when we don't deserve it. God's favor is not something we earn but something we already have. Yet Satan will try to convince us that we do not have that favor. And over time, that negative thinking will convince us of that lie.
The truth is that God gives us unconditional love and his favor even though we do not deserve it. We try so hard to earn that love and favor through good works, going to church and faithfully reading our bibles every day. The true fact of Grace is that God gives us that pure and simple because he loves us more than anything else in the universe.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 5 page 3

No Time chapter 5 page 3 by ric gustafson

Jessica put her napkin into the metal trashcan. " Thanks for the hotdog Bryson". They began to walk toward the SUV. Her cell phone rang. " That must be Father Time" she said with a slight smile. " Why don't you walk around the trail while I talk to him?".
" Ok". He started to walk along a gravel trail that went around the park. ' It is so beautiful here' he thought as he watched families enjoying the beautiful late spring weather. As he walked by a grove of tall trees, he noticed a middleaged man who was wearing large white coveralls and a large straw hat staring intently at one of the trees. As he walked by a children's play area, he noticed Jessica walking toward him. He smiled. " What did Father Time have to say?".
" He told me that your watch will be ready at five".  They began to walk back toward the parking lot.
" This park reminds me of one I used to go to when I was a kid". He pointed at the grove of trees. " I did see something odd on my short walk".
She smiled. " What was that?".
" I noticed a man staring at those trees over there".
" What was he wearing?".
" White coveralls and a large straw hat".
" That's interesting that you noticed him".
" Why is that?".
" That odd person is our next delivery".

research help: an Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Am: giving eternal life

I Am: giving eternal life by ric gustafson

John 17:3-' Now this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent'.

Everyone wants a good life but Jesus has his own definition of life. What Jesus offers is eternal life. God wants us to have a life of goodness and abundance. Some people live in death feeling rejected, lonely and hardened in their hearts. We want life but some want it without knowing God. Jesus says that to have life, we need to know God.
Some people reject God because they fear him and think he is stern and uncaring. Some people hold God responsible for unpleasant things that have happened in their lives. Some people have walked away from God and fear that they can not come back. No matter what the reason, Jesus is the answer. God promises eternal life to those who want it and stay the course.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: The Word

names of God: The Word by ric gustafson

John 1:1- ' In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God'.

We began this devotional series with I Am and end it with the Word. This name refers to God the Son. This name is referred to six times in the books of John and I John. The Word is a translation of the Greek word logos which means word, discourse or reason. The Apostle John talks about Jesus's divinity and with discourse that Jesus is the way that God communicates with us. The Word of God is always around us and in everything that we do or say. John tells us that the Word was with us from the beginning and will always be with us.

Thank you for reading this devotional series

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 20, 2013

No Time chapter 5 page 2

No Time chapter 5 page 2 by ric gustafson

Bryson bit into a hotdog and then wiped off his mouth with a napkin. " This is a nice park".
" This park came into being the same time as the college".
He looked out toward the children's play area. " Looks like the grass needs to be mowed though".
She bit into her hotdog. " Did you know that weeds are a curse?".
" Weeds are a what!?".
" You don't plant them or water them yet they keep coming until you pull them out by their roots".
Bryson took another bite of his hotdog.
" The weeds of this park and the entire earth are cursed because of Adam's transgression".
" Adam as in Adam and Eve?".
" We live in a fallen creation and when sin entered the world, death and misery came with it".
" Oh!".
Both kept eating as Bryson now stared at the weeds differently.

research help: ' Scientific Facts in the Bible' by Ray Comfort

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: The Door

names of God: The Door by ric gustafson

John 10:9- I am the door, by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture'.

This name refers to God the Son. When Jesus refers to himself as the Door, he is saying that he is the only way to God. In John chapter 10, Jesus is talking about the parable of the Good Shepherd. After this parable, Jesus talks about himself being the Door.
Jesus knocks on the door to our hearts but only the occupant can open it. If it is opened, Jesus will come in and will begin to change our lives for the better. Of course, we can refuse to open the door in which case Jesus will just go on to the next door.
Jesus the Door will only come in when we open the door. I pray that each of us will do that.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 19, 2013

No Time chapter 5 page 1

No Time chapter 5 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson's stomach growled as he turned onto Erskine and started to drive east. " All these deliveries are making me hungry".
Jessica pointed down the road. " Erskine Park is just up ahead about two miles". She smiled. " We could get a hot dog and eat lunch at the park".
" Sounds good to me".
Jessica's cellphone rang. She opened it. " Hello Father Time". She listened intently. A minute later, she closed the phone. " Father Time said your watch will be done by five oclock".
He frowned. " Five oclock!".
" He wanted me to ask you if you could help me with three deliveries before five".
" If that means that I will get my watch back, sure!".

research help: ' Scientific Facts in the Bible' by Ray Comfort

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 18, 2013

No Time chapter 4 page 3

No Time chapter 4 page 3 by ric gustafson

Professor Humboldt handed Bryson the book. " Archimedes was a superb mathematician and engineer".
" How did he use the Greek number system?".
He smiled. " He wanted to show that the number system  which ran out at 100 million could be extended without limit".
Bryson skimmed through the book and then handed it back. " How did he accomplish that?".
" Using sand grains, he estimated that the universe could hold one with 51 zeros after it".
" Infinity".
" That's correct". He glanced at Jessica. " Jessica, my friend down the hallway Professor Anderson has a watch for Father Time to fix".
She smiled back. " We'll pick it up on our way out".
They began to leave.
" Oh Bryson, there is something I learned from studying Archimedes".
" What is that?".
" There is no time in heaven".
Bryson shook his head as they walked out the door.

research help: ' Infinity a graphic guide' by Brian Clegg and Oliver Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Spirit of Glory

names of God: Spirit of Glory by ric gustafson

I Peter 4:14- ' for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you'

This name refers to God the Holy Spirit. The spirit of glory is the essence of self sacrifice. The Apostle Peter is reminding us that to be a follower of Christ is testing rather than comfort. Countless christians over the years have died for their faith and one question we must ponder. Where did they get their strength to endure what they went through?". The answer is the Spirit of Glory. God's Holy Spirit gives us the strength to make that sacrifice for our faith. The Spirit of Glory is there to constantly remind us that nothing short of glory awaits us in heaven. That is a comfort we can use to get through this difficult and sin filled life.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 17, 2013

Starship Enterprise D: Engineering

Starship Enterprise D: Engineering by ric gustafson

The chief engineering officer on Starship Enterprise D was Geordi La Forge. He's blind but uses a device called a Visor to give him superior vision. He was an effective leader because of his technical brilliance and his empathy for the men and women under his command.
The power source for the starship's warp drive was a reactor core which was located in the ship's hull. The core was a chamber in which hydrogen mixes with its antimatter counterpart. The result was a tremendous amount of power in which mass is converted into energy. In the warp core, dilithium crystals were mounted in the frame. These crystals were very valuable in the Galaxy and rare. A master systems display console was used as a work console and troubleshooting during crisis situations. The master situation monitor was used to display all of the ship's main systems. The impulse engine was used to create impulse drive which created massive energy to drive the starship. The warp nacelles were outboard engine pods which were kept away from the main crew module for safety reasons. Inside the warp nacelles were field coils which helped the ship keep up its faster than light speed. Next we will look at the tactical systems.

research help: ' On Board the U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 D' by Denise and Michael Okuda

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Refuge

names of God: Refuge by ric gustafson

Isaiah 25:4- ' For thou hast been a refuge ftom the storm'.

This name refers to God the Father. A refuge was a place that offered shelter from danger. The prophet in this passage is proclaiming the power and might of God. He is rejoicing in the shelter that God has provided. The prophet is also proclaiming that God will overcome death.
A young Englishman was out walking when he got caught in a thunderstorm. He found shelter in a cave and tried to find something to write down what he had just witnessed. Just then, a playing card blew at his feet, he picked it up and wrote some words down. The words that Augustus Toplady wrote down on that playing card would become one of the world's most famous hymns. ' Rock of ages, cleft for me' describes God being our refuge. God our refuge knows when we will need a place to be safe from life's storms and he will provide that without fail.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 16, 2013

names of God: Father of Mercies

names of God: Father of Mercies by ric gustafson

II Corinthians 1:3- ' Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Mercies and the God of all comfort'.

This name refers to God the Father. Father of Mercies in Hebrew is Avi HaRachamim. Paul begins this letter to the Corinthians by praising God. Names limit the Creator and he is so much more than that. Father in Hebrew is Avi and mercy or compassion is Rachamim. God protects us and also urges us to be better than we think we are. God who is the Father of Mercies loves us more than anything else and always will.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Am: God's Wonders

I Am: God's Wonders by ric gustafson

Revelation 4:8- ' Holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come'.

Since I gave my life to God in the eight grade, I have been trying to pursue God. Yet through the years of life, sometimes we get placid. We lose that sense of wonder and hesitate trying to look into the depths of God. We need  quiet time with God and quiet time with his Word. The book of Revelation is a good place to start with looking at the wonders to come. In contrast to the angels who are always singing Holy Holy Holy, we are self centered. God wants us to be restless as we seek him. When we are restless, it prods us to seek God.
When we have lost our desire to worship God, we need the wonder of God to flood our souls and fill us with the essence of life. Jesus said eternal life is knowing God. We need to draw near to God, learn his truths, love as he loves, meditate on him and enjoy his many wonders.

research help: ' I Am' by Steve Fry

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Forerunner

names of God: Forerunner by ric gustafson

This name refers to God the Son. A forerunner is someone who goes on ahead blazing a trail and making it safe for others to follow. Hebrews 6:20 says wither the forerunner is for us entered even Jesus. The author of Hebrews prays that his listeners will move forward in the way perfected by Christ. God has promised better things for followers of Jesus.
Jesus is our forerunner, he overcame death and rose again. Jesus the forerunner got to his Father's house and has prepared a place for us his followers. Us the slower runners will get to that home some day and will enjoy being with God and Jesus the forerunner forever.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

names of God: Covenant of the People

names of God: Covenant of the People by ric gustafson

This name refers to God the Son. The Covenant of the People was a living example of the relationship between God and humanity. Isaiah 42:6 says I the Lord called thee in righteousness and will hold thine hand and keep thee and give thee for a covenant of the people for a light of the Gentiles. The prophet was saying that the Servant of the Lord was coming to save the Israelites and also the Gentiles. Jesus was the human face of God's covenant with the world. Jesus came and died for us to show us how much the covenant means to God.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Starship Enterprise D: Main Bridge

Starship Enterprise D: Main Bridge by ric gustafson

The Main Bridge was located on top of  the ship's saucer module. The Ready Room was Captain Picard's private office. It was decorated with a fish tank, a painting of the ship and a book cantaining works of Shakespeare.First Officer of the starship was Commander William T Riker. His duties included being directly responsible to the captain and led most Away Team missions. Deanna Troi was the ship's counselor and her duties included providing the captain with guidance on the well being and emotional state of the officers and crew. The Captain of the Starship Enterprise D was Jean-Luc Picard. A native of France, one of his strengths as Captain was his ethical leadership. The Captain's chair was located near the center of the bridge and the Command Module was the heart of the bridge. The Command Module was where the captain, executive officer and counselor could supervise all bridge operations. Some of the other features of the bridge included the main viewer, the emergency turbolift, the conn and the tactical console.
The senior Operations Officer was Lieutenant Commander Data. He was an android with remarkable intellect and curiosity. The Enterprise D tactical officer was Lieutenant Commander Worf. He is the only Klingon serving in the Federation Fleet.
Next, we will look at the engineering of the starship.

research help: ' On Board The U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 D' by Denise and Michael Okuda

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 13, 2013

names of God: Lord Of The Harvest

names of God: Lord Of The Harvest by ric gustafson

This name refers to God the Son. The Lord Of The Harvest is someone who plants seeds of faith in human hearts. Matthew 9:38 says pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. When you scatter seed you need to tend the soil and water it. The seed will not grow unless someone makes it grow. We need to sow the seeds of faith so God can do his thing. Matthew 9:37 says that the harvest is plenteous but the labourers are few. The harvest is eternal life but the seeds of faith need to be sown. We can plant spiritual seeds at home, work and with strangers that we meet. When we do that, the Lord of the Harvest will take it from there.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 D: early history of Enterprise

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 D: early history of Enterprise by ric gustafson

The very first Starship Enterprise NX-01 was commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer and later played a role in the founding of the Federation. U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 was the first Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise. This starship was commanded by James T Kirk on numerous missions.  The name Enterprise has been several ships from a 18th century sloop of war to a nuclear powered aircraft carrier.
The Starship Enterprise-C was commanded by Captain Rachel Garrett and was involved in a deadly battle of Narendra III. This sacrifice prevented a war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The Galaxy class Starship Enterprise D was built at a drydock facility with it's components coming from a fleet yard on Mars. The starship was commissioned October 4 2383 which was the 406th anniversary of the first space launch.
Next we will look at the Main Bridge and those who serve on it.

research help: ' On Board The U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701 D' by Denise and Michael Okuda

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 4 page 2

No Time chapter 4 page 2 by ric gustafson

Jessica knocked on the wooden office door. " Professor Humboldt".
The door was opened by an older gentleman wearing casual college clothing. " Jessica, it's good to see you". He pointed toward two open chairs near a steel desk. " Please, have a seat".
Bryson looked around the small sparsely decorated room.
" And who is your friend?".
" Professor Humboldt, this is Bryson".
He shook his hand.
" He's been helping me make deliveries for Father Time". She handed him a package. " Here's your watch".
" Thank you".
Bryson noticed a book on the Professor's desk. " I see you like the Greek philosopher Archimedes".
" Yes". He held up the book. " This book is called The Sand Reckoner".
" That's interesting, we just came from someone who studied sand".
" He showed King Gelon of Syracuse that he could estimate the number of sand grains it would take to fill the universe".
" I'd like to learn more".

research help: ' Infinity, a graphic guide' by Brian Clegg and Oliver Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, May 12, 2013

habits: thoughts and words

habits: thoughts and words by ric gustafson

Out thoughts lead to the words that come out of our mouth. Thoughts and words are the start of good or bad habits. When we are trying to form good habits, words precede action. We can talk ourselves into victory or defeat. We need God's Word to give us direction and to encourage us. Matthew 9:29 says that people will have what they believe. To think like God we need to renew our minds.
Satan will try to tell us that we can never change. If we believe Satan's lies, we will never change. God has a good plan for us and Scripture is a key to constantly renewing our lives.
Forming one good habit will lead to another one. We need to do constant prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit. James 3:7-8 says that the mouth is like a wild beast that is unruly and undisciplined.
Change takes time but if we are willing, God can make it happen. As a child of God, he dwells in us and fills us with his promises. God wants to be with us every moment of our lives but that cannot happen unless we develop good and right habits.

research help: ' Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 11, 2013

No Time chapter 4 page 1

No Time chapter 4 page 1 by ric gustafson

As Bryson drove back toward Father Time's shop, Jessica's cell phone rang.
" This is Jessica". She hesitated. " Hello Father Time". She listened intently to the message. " Ok, we'll do it".
" What did he say?".
She nervously played with her hair as she closed the cell phone. " He's still working on your watch and would like us to make another delivery".
A frown came over him. " I didn't know it would take this long to get my watch back".
" He told me that he is working hard on it" she replied as the SUV stopped at a red light. " Will you please help me make the delivery?".
" Ok". He smiled. " Where are we going now?".
" Erskine College to see Professor Harold Humboldt".
The light turned green and Bryson turned right onto Erskine Drive. " What does he teach at the college?".
" Concepts of time and space such as infinity etc".

research help: ' Infinity, a graphic guide' by Brian Clegg and Oliver Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 10, 2013

habits: breaking bad habits

habits: breaking bad habits by ric gustafson

The first thing about bad habits we need to ask ourselves is are we serious about breaking them. Breaking bad habits takes a strong commitment, time and hard work. Breaking bad habits is hard but with God's help we can do it. Instead of saying I can't do it, we need to say I can with God's help.
Jesus knew that he had to endure the cross. He was able to through prayer, leaning on his Father and a strong commitment to the will of God. We need to know that God loves us and that Jesus can set us free.
In order to break a bad habit, we first must believe that 's it's possible to change. We must believe God's Word that we are already free from bad habits and can change with Jesus's help. Our thoughts control our actions and we need to think that I can do this with God's help.
We need to figure out what provokes us to do the bad habit. Is it stress, are we lonely or bored or are we tempted during a certain time of day. If we can avoid the triggers, it might help us. We need to focus on one bad habit at a time or we will be overwelmed. Thinking about what might happen to us if we continue the bad habit might help.
God wants us to have positive faith filled habits that will honor him.

research help: ' Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 9, 2013

No Time chapter 3 page 3

No Time chapter 3 page 3 by ric gustafson

" A grain of sand?".
Mr Hinkle smiled at Bryson. " This grain of sand has been through the ravages of time".
" What do you mean?".
" This grain of sand has been battered by wind, water and ice over the centuries".
" That 's interesting " Bryson replied as he stared at the speck of sand in his hand. " Sounds like you love studying this".
" I've always been enthralled with the concepts of time, infinity and scientific studies".
Jessica stared at her watch. " Bryson, we need to go".
" Bryson, do you see that speck of sand in your hand?".
" Yes".
" Every person and every speck of sand is unique in God's eyes".
They turned to leave.
" Jessica and Bryson, thank you for the watch". He turned toward Bryson. " Remember there is no time in heaven".
Bryson turned toward Jessica as they got into the SUV. " That's the same thing Father Time and Mrs Mchenery said".

research help: ' Sand' by Michael Welland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 3 page 2

No Time chapter 3 page 2 by ric gustafson

The young man led Bryson and Jessica down a sandy sidewalk. They stopped next to another gated entrance. The young man picked up a black phone. " Mr Hinkle, you have visitors". The gate opened. He led the two down another sandy sidewalk to an elderly man who was studying what was inside a red pail.
Jessica walked up and handed him a package. " Mr Hinkle, here is your watch that Father Time fixed".
" Thank you Jessica" he replied as he sifted sand through a strainer into the pail. " And who is your friend?".
" This is Bryson". She smiled. " He is helping me make deliveries today".
He shook Bryson's hand. " Bryson, have you ever been interested in sand?".
" Yes, ever since I was young".
" Take a look at this". He brought over the pail and took out a pinch of sand. " I love this place because it is like my own private sandbox.".
" What is it?".
He put a pinch of sand into the palm of Bryson's right hand.
" This Bryson is a grain of sand".

research help: ' Sand' by Michael Welland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Jailer 2013

The Jailer 2013 by ric gustafson

The Jailer pointed to four of his guards as he checked the stocks. " The magistrates have ordered me to guard two prisoners with my life". He gave them a concerned but stern look. " At the risk of your own lives, bring them here safely".
One of the scared guards spoke up. " What did they do?".
" A slave girl was saying that the two were servants of the most high God". He hesitated as he gathered his thoughts. " One of the two named Paul turned and said ' in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her' ".
" Then what happened?".
" The owner of the slave girl was enraged and had them beaten to an inch of their lives". He pointed at them. " Bring them here, now go".
Later, the guards brought in the prisoners. The Jailer could tell that their backs were torn apart and bleeding. He carefully put them into the stocks and made sure the cell was secured. The Jailer went to his room to sleep thinking everything was alright.
About midnight, the Jailer woke up and heard the two prisoners singing and praying. He went back to sleep thinking that the incident was strange. Shortly after, he woke up again when he felt the walls and the foundation of the prison shake as if it was an earthquake.
As he walked toward the prisoner's cell, he heard the stocks fall to the ground with a big clang and the prisoner's door open. ' The prisoners must have escaped' he thought as he drew his sword to kill himself. As he reached the open cell door, he heard one of the prisoners.
" Don't harm yourself, we are all here".
He turned on the lights and then ran into the cell. He fell down on his face in front of Paul and Silas. " Sirs, what must I do to be saved?".
Paul smiled with compassion. " Believe in the Lord Jesus and you and your household will be saved".
The Jailer washed their torn backs and then he and his entire family were baptized by Paul and Silas. He brought Paul and Silas to his house and set a meal before them. The Jailer was filled with joy because now he believed in God and he and his entire family would be with God forever.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Busch page 10

Busch page 10 by ric gustafson

By the start of the 1960's, Gussie Busch was on top of the world. He had four plants and one about to open in Houston Texas producing at top capacity. As a close friend to President Truman and future President Lyndon Johnson, Gussie was now steeped into politics. At his compound outside St Petersburg Florida, he had a fleet of yachts and fishing boats at his disposal.
The only glitch in Gussie's life at the present were the St Louis Cardinals. Under his ownership, the team had not won a pennant and were on their sixth manager. In 1964 as Gussie was discussing a new stadium idea with the city, The Cardinals under the helm of Johnny Keane won the World Series beating the New York Yankees in seven games.
On December 15 1964 at exactly 10:34 am, Gussie and other brewery officers walked from their offices at 721 Pestalozzi Street up the block to the bottling plant. At 10:34, Gussie was handed a silver mallet and a plug. He plugged the tenth millionth barrel and then climbed aboard the historic beer wagon. The wagon pulled up to their offices where the mayor and other officials were gathered.
Now at the age of sixty five, Gussie Busch was indeed the King of Beer.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, May 6, 2013

No Time chapter 3 page 1

No Time chapter 3 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson pulled up to the curb. " You are sure this is the address?".
Jessica looked at the notebook. " This is the address Father Time gave me". She stared at the high steel gate. " Looks like a military installation to me".
Bryson noticed a young man sweeping the sidewalk in front of the gate. " Excuse me, is this 112 Pine St?".
" It sure is". The young man put down his broom and straightened his ball cap. " Who are you looking for?".
" We have a delivery for Patrick Hinkle".
" That's my boss". He opened a black box near the entrance to the gate. He pushed some buttons and the gate opened. The heavy chained gate began to slowly open. He pointed toward Bryson and Jessica. " Follow me".

research help: ' Sand' by Michael Welland

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Busch page 9

Busch page 9 by ric gustafson

Gussie and Trudy lived in a six bedroom home at Grant's Farm. They had a son Adolphus IV in July 1953 and Beatrice in July 1954. At the time, Gusie was the highest paid executive in St Louis with an income of more than $200,000 a year. But he was cash poor with all of his wealth in company stock. Their residence Grant's Farm became one of the most popular tourist attractions in St Louis.
Trudy gave birth to five more children, Peter, Gertrude, Billy, Andrew and Christina. The children were expected to help maintain the farm which was near three hundred acres.
In 1954, Gussie tried to increase the price per case of Budweiser which turned into a disaster. That year a steep decline in sales let Schlitz regain the number one position again. By 1957, a new advertising campaign helped Anheuser Busch regain the number one slot again. At this time, the brewery started tours including the now historic Brew House. Gussie envisioned a theme park similiar to Grant's Farm being built next to the new plant they were building in Tampa Florida. Opening in March 1959, Busch Gardens became an expression of the vision of Gussie Busch.
In May 1958, Gussie's mother Alice died while taking a nap. She was ninety two and suffered from Parkinson's. In her will, she gave Grant's Farm to Gussie.
By the start of the 1960's, things were looking good for Gussie, Trudy and the brewery.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, May 4, 2013

habits: God habits

habits: God habits by ric gustafson

Jesus Christ had a habit of going to the Mount of Olives to pray. His habit was to spend time with his Father in times of trouble. Without God habits, we cannot address and change to good habits. A habit we need to always have is to spend time with God and study his Word.
We need time management to form the habit of spending time with God. Jeremiah 29:13 says if we seek him, we will find him. To form a God habit, we need to be ready to start the habit. We need to get addicted to God and put him before all things. We can form a God habit by studying God's Word. We can start with a portion of the bible that we will feel comfortable with. The Gospel of John and Psalms is a good place to start.
James 4:2 says you do not have because you do not ask. We need to talk with God about everything in our lives. We need to invite him into all of our activities and first in our lives. The more time we spend with Jesus, the more we become like him.
Spending time with God is habit forming, so let's get started.

research help: ' Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, May 3, 2013

habits: procrastination

habits: procrastination by ric gustafson

We can think about doing good habits but until we start doing them, nothing will happen. Procrastination is a thief of success and one of Satan's tools. By putting off something, we spend more time avoiding it than doing something about it.
Procrastination is a thief who wants to steal our time, talents and our peace of mind. God wants us to start working on good habits now not later. I Corinthians 14:33 says that God is not the author of confusion but of order and peace. God wants us to be a ' now' person and get things done right away. Faith is now and we need to trust that God will take care of us yesterday and tomorrow. To be obedient means that our faith demands action. God has given us his Word to show us the direction we need to go.
As followers of Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit in us. He has goals for us and breaking bad habits is one of them. As children of God, we are heirs of Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit. We are anointed, gifted, talented and according to Philippians 4:13, able to do whatever we need to do in life through Christ.

research help: ' Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hindenburg page 2

Hindenburg page 2 by ric gustafson

Rolf saw the name ' Hindenburg' near the mooring cone as he walked up to the stairs. Underneath the belly of the airship was the control gondola which seemed small compared to the size of the huge airship. Ahead were some observation windows and at the tail end were four rocket like fins that had swastika's on them.
As he neared the aluminum retractable stairway, he overheard two young Luftwaffe officers conversing.
" Why are we using dangerous hydrogen gas instead of the safer helium gas?".
" It's cheaper and we can store more cargo and carry more passengers".
A white jacketed steward pointed at Rolf. " Next on board".
Rolf carefully walked up the aluminum stairway and inside where another steward greated him.
" I am Willy Mather, assistant head steward". He clicked his heels. " I will be showing you around this fabulous airship".
Rolf and the other passengers around him smiled back.
" Follow me". They walked up some stairs. " This is B Deck".
Rolf noticed the bar and smoking room.
They walked up some more stairs. " This is A Deck where the cabins and dining area is". He pointed toward the front of the airship. " Down this way is the pride of the airship".
Rolf raised his hand. " And what is that?".
" Our observation deck".

research help: ' The Hindenburg Murders' by Max Allan Collins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 2 page 3

No Time chapter 2 page 3 by ric gustafson

Bryson and Jessica turned to leave when he saw something shiny near one of the sofas. He picked it up and saw that it was a shiny coin. " Mrs Mchenery, is this your lost coin?".
She dropped her broom and ran over to Bryson. He handed it to her. " Yes Bryson, it is my coin". She gave him a big hug. " Thank you, Thank you for finding it". She took a cell phone out of a pocket and opened it. " I'm going to call my neighbors to come over and help me celebrate the return of my coin". She stared at Bryson and Jessica. " Can the two of you stay and help me celebrate?".
" I'm afraid not" Jessica replied as she turned to leave. " We have another delivery to make".
They walked toward the SUV.
" Thank you for bringing my watch even though I won't need it".
Bryson turned. " Why won't you need it?".
She winked at him. " Bryson, in heaven there is no time".
They got into the SUV.
" That is the same thing Father Time told me".
Jessica grinned as they drove off.

research help: ' All The Parables Of The Bible' by Herbert Lockyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

habits: anatomy of a habit

habits: anatomy of a habit by ric gustafson

Habits are things we do through repetition and we do them unconsciously and with little effort. When we repeatedly do something, it becomes a habit. Galatians 5:16 says to walk and live in the Holy Spirit and then we will not gratify the desires of the flesh. God does not want us to concentrate on evil desires but good desires.
The key to forming habits good or bad is repetition. When working toward a good habit, we need to ask for the Holy Spirit's help. Bad habits hurt our spiritual lives because the enemy is trying to destroy us. Bad habits steal the destiny God has planned for us. When we do something, our subconscious mind programs it into our brain. The more we do something good or bad, the more entrenched in our brain it becomes.
The more active we do something good, the more often we will do it. Changing habits takes time, so we need to be patient. When we fail, we need to start again and the Holy Spirit will help us to form good and right habits.

research help: ' Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

No Time chapter 2 page 2

No Time chapter 2 page 2 by ric gustafson

Bryson stood by a sandbox as Mrs Mchenery kept throwing things outside onto the grass. He put a finger into the sand because he had always been intrigued about it since he was a child. He heard a cell phone ring. Jessica walked by him.
" It's Father Time, I'll talk to him over here".
Bryson walked up to the door as Mrs Mchenery came out and was frantically sweeping the front steps.
" I've got to find that lost coin".
" If you don't mind me asking". He hesitated. " Why is that coin so important?".
" I have ten special silver coins but this coin is very special".
" Why is that?".
" It had a beautiful design on it that none of the other coins had".
Jessica walked up to them. " Father Time is still working on your watch and asked if we could make another delivery for him".
" Sure".

research help: ' All The Parables Of The Bible' by Herbert Lockyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Busch page 8

Busch page 8 by ric gustafson

After six years being seperated from his wife Elizabeth, Gussie filed for divorce on August 7 1951. Busch vs Busch played out in the courts with both sides claiming the main issues were drinking and philandering. A few weeks later, Elizabeth accepted a million dollar divorce settlement which was the first in Missouri's history. She received $ 450,000 in alimony, $480,000 in property settlement, a house worth $100,000 and the custody of the couple's two children Elizabeth and August III.
August III was only five when the divorce finalized and his young life suffered. He became a moody withdrawn student with few friends and a spotty school record.
On March 22 1952 the day his divorce was final, Gussie married Gertrude Buholzer who's nickname was Trudy. The ceremony was low key and the couple went to Florida for a two week vacation. In Feburary 1953, Gussie was approached  by some local businessmen about a possible purchase. The owner of the St Louis Cardinals, Fred Saigh was in talks to move the team to Milwaukee. Gussie enjoyed sports except baseball. The Cardinals at that time were one of the most successful teams in the major leagues having won nine National League pennants and six World Series titles in twenty seven years. Gussie paid Saigh $2.5 million for the team and $1.25 million to pay off the team's debts. Partly because of owning the Cardinals, in 1954 the brewery was producing 6.7 million barrels which was 1.5 million more than Schlitz and turning Gussie Busch into a St Louis celebrity.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric