Sunday, August 11, 2024

there's no crying in baseball page 3

there's no crying in baseball page 3 by ric gustafson

Penny Marshall was a self described tomboy. She like being one of the guys. She grew up in a Jewish Italian part of the Bronx. Penny loved baseball. She could get into a game in the street as long as she had a bat and a ball. She loved watching Micky Mantle and Roger Maris at Yankee Stadium. 
Her mother Marjorie had a handful with Penny. Penny was born on October 15 1943. As soon as she could walk, she followed her older brother Garry everywhere. When Penny was eight, Garry left for Northwestern University. When her brother Ronny left for Northwestern, Penny felt all alone.
After high school, Penny enrolled at the University of New Mexico. She fell in love with one of the football players Mickey Henry. Penny got pregnant. She gave birth to a daughter Tracy in July 1964. She divorced Mickey two years later.
Penny did not know what to do with her life. She decided to call the one person she could trust. Penny called her older brother Garry.

research help: ' No crying in baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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