Friday, August 9, 2024

there's no crying in baseball page 1

 there's no crying in baseball page 1 by ric gustafson

It was the summer of 1991. Pacing behind a camera, a cigarette dangling from her mouth was director Penny Marshall. In front of her was actress Geena Davis. Davis stepped up to home plate. She bent her knees. She wrapped her hands around a bat. As the camera rolled, Davis tried to keep her eye on the ball. The camera caught everything. She was frustrated. She was an actress trying to be a baseball player. Every actress wanted her role.
Davis had practiced for weeks. Coaches showed her how to hit, catch and throw. On this first day of Davis's filming, they wanted her to hit a home run. Pitch after pitch, take after take Davis kept swinging her bat. It was not going well.
Finally, Director Penny Marshall had had enough. 
" Hit the ball hit the ball". Marshall was starting to lose her mind. " Put me out of my misery".

research help: ' No crying in baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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