Saturday, August 31, 2024

biblical questions: just the facts?

 biblical questions: just the facts? by ric gustafson

What is a good outline for a daily prayer time. Faith is a channel of living trust. Trust is the object of faith. Faith is more than knowledge and agreement. Faith is living trust. John 15 says, if you remain in me and my words remain in you ask whatever you wish it will be given to you. 
Faith in God leads to adoration. Through adoration, we express our heartfelt love and longing for God. 
In prayer, we need to confess our guilt. We must be reminded of our own unworthiness. We must confess our need for forgiveness and seek God's pardon. I John 1 says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We need to pray with thanksgiving. We need to approach God with thanksgiving. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The complete bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 30, 2024

no crying in baseball page 12

 no crying in baseball page 12 by ric gustafson

In 1945, there was the All American Girls Professional Baseball League. Their first star was Helen Candaele. She played for the Fort Wayne Daisies. There were only six teams in the league. In 1945, Candaele batted .299. Her bat was a Louisville Slugger. That year in the league, she was first in hits, extra base hits, doubles and homers.
By 1954, the league had expanded to 14 teams. The league used a combination of baseball and softball. By the end of the league, the league was playing real baseball with smaller baseballs. In 1945, the Fort Wayne Daisies lost the pennant to the Rockford Peaches.
The league was started by chewing gum magnate named Philip Wrigley. He owned the Chicago Cubs. Wrigley was concerned about after the war. He was worried that not enough young men would come back. Wrigley did not want the 1943's baseball season to close because of the lack of men. To save baseball, Wrigley formed the All American Girls Professional Baseball League.

research help: ' No crying in baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 29, 2024

the Reluctant Beatle page 12

 the Reluctant Beatle page 12 by ric gustafson

Brian Epstein ran a record department in his family's electrical goods store. One day, Bert Kaempfert walked into the store. He asked if Brian had a single by Tony Sheridan and the Beatles.
Epstein already knew who the Beatles were. Epstein always stocked a newspaper called the ' Mersey Beat'. The Beatles were always part of the articles.
At 27, Epstein had curly hair and an uncertain smile. He came from a Jewish family. He discovered a knack for selling records. He was also good at promoting records also. When Brian finally came to the Cavern, he fell in love with the black leather and the music. In the band room behind the stage, the group met Brian. The band liked him right away. They asked Brian to become their manager. 
Brian's first task was to get the band under contract. But before that, Brian needed to get the band a record deal.

research help: ' George Harrison the Reluctant Beatle' by Philip Norman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Blood on the Moon page 1

 Blood on the Moon page 1 by ric gustafson

Ranger Mark Rickson waited for the tourists to quiet down. When quiet came, he started.
" Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen". He smiled. " Welcome to Ford's Theater".
A woman looked around. " This is a beautiful theater".
" Thank you, it is a special place". He smiled again. " I want to tell you what happened here the night of April 14 1865".
Someone pointed. " Is that the box?".
" Yes, that was the special box reserved for the President".
A male pointed up. " It looks like curtains are in the opening now".
" Yes". Ranger Rickson pointed. " And now two American flags are draped over the balustrade".
A woman pointed. " What is between the flags?".
" It's a large engraving of George Washington".
A young boy piped in. " What's behind the curtains?".
" The red rocking chair that President Lincoln sat in".
The boy smiled. " I bet that chair is old".
" Actually the original rocker is on display at the Henry Ford Museum".

research help: ' Blood on the Moon' by Edward Steers Jr

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Omaha page 3

 Omaha page 3 by ric gustafson

In the early 1700's, Modern Iowa and Nebraska were on the edge of the French and Spanish empires. In the 1750's, a dispute over who controlled the Ohio River valley led to a conflict called the Seven Years War. As part of a peace settlement, Spain took over the mouth of the Mississippi. Spain also became the ruler of northerly areas west of the river. Omaha and the Missouri Valley became part of that.
A settlement called St Louis was founded in 1764. For the upper Missouri fur trade, St Louis had to deal with native leaders including Black Bird. 
Three disasters hit the Omaha tribe. First in 1800-1801, a smallpox epidemic decimated the tribe by half. Second, war altered the future of the region. In 1800, Spain ceded the Louisiana region to France. Thomas Jefferson heard about this and signed in 1803, the Louisiana Purchase This purchase included Iowa and Nebraska. The third disaster for the Omaha tribe was when it was attacked by the Brule Dakota tribe. The Omaha tribe suffered from the Plains Sioux, the Otoes and the Pawnees. These three tribes depleted game animals for the Omaha tribe. By 1845, the Omaha tribe was residing in a village on the lower Papillion Creek. After Lewis and Clark visited the area in 1804, a name was given to the area. The name ' Council Bluffs'. The name stuck. The area became popular for visitors to the north of the Platte and the Missouri River.

research help: ' Upstream Metropolis' by Lawrence Larsen Barbara Cottrell Harl Dalstrom Kay Dalstrom

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

biblical questions: should Christians attend church?

 biblical questions: should Christians attend church? by ric gustafson

Church should be more than just a building. Church is life. God wants us to be with other Christ ians. The church should be healthy and well balanced. The Christian life should be lived with a family of faith. We need to be born again into a body of believers. God must be the head of this body of believers. 
We can be Christ like by become living sacrifices. The church can show us and teach us spiritual disciplines. 
Through a church, Jesus wants us to go out and make disciples of all nations. The church can teach us how to become a missionary, but then we need to go out and bring others into the circle of love.

research help: ' The complete bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 25, 2024

an uncluttered Christian life: James 5:12

 an uncluttered Christian life: James 5:12 by ric gustafson

People like it when we say yes to them. People don't like it when we say no. We do not want to be rejected because we said no. We do not want to disappoint others. So we agree to do things even though we do not want to. Trying to please people clutters our life. God says say no if we have to.
God says to us commit to me. We need to put his will above our will. God gives us everything so we can go out and do his will. We can only have peace and joy when we are doing God's will. God gives us grace, strength, peace and joy. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' the joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Reluctant Beatle page 11

 the Reluctant Beatle page 11 by ric gustafson

Being back in Hamburg at the Top Ten, pleased John, Paul and George. The band now wore similar suits, cowboy boots and pink cheesecutter caps. The three kept their extra long on the side like Elvis. Because the club was vastly improved from the first time they were there, John and Paul brought their girlfriends. Paul brought Dot Rhone and John Cynthia. 
It got to a point where Paul could not stand Stu or his playing any longer. When Stu left, instead of replacing him Paul began playing the bass guitar. Stu gave Paul his Hofner bass.
When the band came back from Hamburg, they were a changed group. When they started playing at the Cavern again, they were dressed neck to ankles in black leather. They were the hottest band to play the Cavern. That October of 1961, John and Paul took a trip to Spain. October 28 1961 was a big day for the band. That was the day the band met Brian Epstein.

research help: ' George Harrison the Reluctant Beatle' by Philip Norman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

no crying in baseball page 11

 no crying in baseball page 11 by ric gustafson

On August 10 1987, Penny began filming ' Big'. She started filming at Rye Playland in Westchester County New York. The film's on site producer was Bob Greenhut. He had a reputation for running a tight film set. Greenhut hired Barry Sonnenfeld to help Penny film the picture. Sonnenfeld and Penny butted heads right away. Penny wanted to shoot from many angles and shoot many takes. Sonnenfeld was the opposite. He did not like to waste film.
The first scene shot involved Josh and Susan going on a carnival date. They shot Elizabeth Perkins as a blonde and then a redhead. Penny got easily frustrated. She was used to the fast pace of television compared to the slowness of film.
David Moscow was cast as young Josh. Penny got 50 takes of his first scene. He was worried that he was going to be fired. Hanks reassured him that that was Penny's style of filming. To Hanks, his first take was usually his best.
In the spring of 1988, an advance screening of ' Big' was shown at the Zanuck Theater on the Fox backlot. By September of 1988, the film went over $100 million in ticket sales. Penny became the first female director to achieve that lofty statistic. Right away, Penny was thinking about her next project. She wanted to do a film about a professional women's baseball league during WWII.

research help: ' No Crying in Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 24, 2024

no crying in baseball page 10

 no crying in baseball page 10 by ric gustafson

Penney knew who she wanted to play the older Josh. She called her friend Tom Hanks. Hanks, who had just turned 30, had just finished filming a buddy cop film called ' Dragnet'. Hanks, who feared that he would never work again., was constantly working on films. After ' Dragnet', Hanks began working on a film called ' Punchline'. The film was about a bitter standup comedian. 
Growing up, Hanks's parents divorced when he was five. Hanks grew up funny and shy. In high school, he hung around theater kids. 
At California State University, Hanks studied theater production. Hanks married Susan Dillingham. She gave birth to a son Colin in 1977. The family moved to New York. Thanks to a lucky audition, Hanks got a role in a TV series called ' Bosom Buddies'. In 1985, Tom and Susan divorced. After the huge success of ' Splash', Hanks was hoping ' Big' would be his next big film.

research help: ' No Crying in Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 23, 2024

Omaha page 2

 Omaha page 2 by ric gustafson

Erastus Beadle lived in Omaha in 1857. He wanted to develop a farm west of town. At what is now 102 and West Center, Beadle could look at rolling prairie broken up by trees along the Big Papillion Creek. This creek is now called the Papio Creek. Two hundred feet rising from the Missouri River are bluffs. Windborne soil known as loess deposited in central and eastern Nebraska, much of Iowa and surrounding states. On the east side became loess bluffs. On the west were dry rugged Iowa loess hills. 
The Missouri River floodplain was tall grass, rushes and marshes. The Missouri River bottomland became a valuable part of Council Bluffs and Omaha. 
The Missouri River was dangerous until the US Army Corp of Engineers built six dams and reservoirs. On the Iowa side of the river is Carter Lake. The strange thing about Carter Lake is that it is an Iowa enclave in Nebraska.
Omaha was founded in 1854, The Omaha Indian tribe settled in northeastern and east central Nebraska to modern day South Sioux city to the north and Bellevue to the south. According to tribe legend, the tribe moved west in the Ohio valley and crossed the Mississippi River. Part of the tribe moved up the Mississippi Valley and part of the tribe went downstream into Missouri. By 1775, the tribe was in Dakota County in northeastern Nebraska. Also in the area was the Otoe tribe. Both tribes shared agriculture and hunting. Housing was earth lodges with roofs made up of willow branches and heavy grass cover overlaid with sod. Entry to the lodge was from vestibule that faced east. At the heart of their livelihood was corn raising and bison hunting.

research help: ' Upstream Metropolis' by Lawrence Larsen Barbara Cottrell Harl Dalstrom Kay Dalstrom

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 22, 2024

no crying in baseball page 9

 no crying in baseball page 9 by ric gustafson

One day, Harrison Ford gave Penny's manager Charlie Wessler a script. Wessler sat down in a couch swing and opened the screenplay. It was for a movie called ' Big'. It was written by Gary Ross and Steven Spielberg's sister Anne Spielberg. Wessler loved what he was reading. He thought Penny would be perfect to direct the film. Wessler found out Penny's mentor Jim Brooks was going to be the producer. Wessler knew Ford was not right to play the older Josh.
Wessler gave Penny the script. She loved it. She did not know that several directors had passed on the film. This included Steven Spielberg, Ivan Reitman, Charles Shyer and John Hughes.
20th Century Fox gave ' Big' the green light. Penny was given the green light to direct the film. To play the role of Susan Lawrence, 25 year old Elizabeth Perkins was recommended. The New Yorker had been in a 1986 ensemble comedy called ' About Last Night'. She had brown eyes and maturity beyond her years.

research help: ' No Crying in Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Omaha page 1

 Omaha page 1 by ric gustafson

August 21 1999 was a sunny summer day. At 67th and Pacific street in central Omaha, a dedication was going on. The Peter Kiewit Institute of Information Science, Technology and Engineering was being dedicated. It was a $70 million project paid by private and public funds. US secretary of education Richard Riley told the crowd that the institute would help the nation meet its need in information technology education. The goal for the institute was to become one of the best learning centers in the nation. 
In south Omaha on the same day, another key event was happening. In the lobby of the Livestock Exchange Building, an auction was going on. Items from the stockyards were being auctioned. The 116 year old stockyards was closing. The south Omaha stockyards linked Omaha to the Corn Belt and the Great Plains. Betty Votaw was at the auction. Her father in law Eli Votaw brought cattle from across the state to the stockyards for over fifty years. Two months after the auction, the stockyards closed.
Omaha and Council Bluffs was changing and evolving.

research help: ' Upstream Metropolis' by Lawrence Larsen Barbara Cottrell Harl Dalstrom Kay Dalstrom

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

biblical questions: the unforgivable sin?

 biblical questions: the unforgivable sin? by ric gustafson

When you read from Matthew 12, Christians get scared, I got scared. It said that if you blasphemy or speak against the Holy Spirit, you will not be forgiven in this age or in the age to come. That scared me.
The truth be known that the unforgivable sin is not a single act. The unforgivable sin is a continuous ongoing rejection of Jesus. The people who commit this sin have no godly regrets. These people continue in their evil ways and approve other people who do it. 
Those who do not want to sin and ask for forgiveness, will be forgiven. There are those people who do not want to follow Jesus at all. They want to reject and say no to God and his Word. But to those who love Jesus with all of their heart and soul, they will be forgiven and saved. If you love Jesus, he will never turn you away.

research help: ' The complete bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Chosen: Ephesians 2:10

 Chosen: Ephesians 2:10 by ric gustafson

According to Ephesians 2, we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. Why create something?. Good question?. Creating something is it worth it?. 
In God's eyes, it's worth it. God paid the cost. He knows our reward. God created us. God formed us. God redeemed us. God has called us by name. God has a plan for your life. God made us for a specific purpose. God created us for good works. We are here for our good and God's glory.
God loves us more than anything else.

The End.

research help: ' The Chosen devotional' by Broadstreet Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

biblical questions: what is sin?

 biblical questions: what is sin? by ric gustafson

According to Romans 3, all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Sin entered the world as a consequence of the fall. Since Adam and Eve, humanity has geared toward sin. We all suffer from ancestral sin. 
What is sin?. When we sin, we fail to do the things we should. We do the things we should not do. Sin describes anything that fails to meet God's perfection. Sin is a barrier between us and a relationship with God. Sin is the opposite of good. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The complete bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

God's peace and blessings. Love Ric

Chosen: Mark 10: 13-14

 Chosen: Mark 10: 13-14 by ric gustafson

People were bringing their children to Jesus. They just wanted him to place his hands on them. According to Mark 10, the disciples rebuked them. Jesus saw what the disciples were doing. Jesus told the disciples let the little children come to me. Do not hinder them. Jesus said the kingdom of God belongs to them. 
The children were vulnerable and in need. These were the people Jesus came to save. Children are simple. They are awestruck by the world around them. They are trusting and moldable. By nature, they are not judgmental. The children want to get into Jesus's lap and be cared for. Jesus put his arms around them, placed his hands on them and blessed them.

research help: ' The Chosen devotional' by Broadstreet Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 19, 2024

Chosen: John 2: 23-25

 Chosen: John 2: 23-25 by ric gustafson

Since Adam, God has been watching us. God knows our every thought, every choice and every motive. God has seen the best of us and the worst. Jesus was doing amazing things. People were in awe. In Luke 17, Jesus healed 10 lepers. They called him Master and begged for mercy. Jesus felt compassion. He healed them. 
Only one of the ten came back to thank Jesus. Why?. People want what Jesus can give them. But they do not want an actual relationship with Jesus. They attend church but only on holidays. They want to go to heaven but are tied to the world. 
Jesus wants people who will run to him, fall on their faces, repent, surrender and worship Jesus because they want to. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Chosen devotional' by Broadstreet Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

biblical questions: what is faith?

 biblical questions: what is faith? by ric gustafson

In Ephesians, the apostle Paul talks about the shield of faith. So what is faith?. Faith is paramount to a believer. Faith equips us to escape evil. According to Hebrews 11, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Faith is trust an assurance from man to God. Our faith should not be blind. We must rely squarely on God's faithfulness. 
Faith is a way of life. It must be energetic. With faith we can be energized to do good works. A faith without works is dead. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The complete Bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

there's no crying in baseball page 8

 there's no crying in baseball page 8 by ric gustafson

Right after Penny found a new place to live in New York City, a phone call changed her life. Penny had become friends with Whoopi Goldberg. Goldberg's star was on the rise thanks to her role in a Steven Spielberg film called ' The Color Purple'. That role helped Goldberg get a role in a film called ' Jumpin Jack Flash'.
One day, Penny got a call from Larry Gordon and Joel Silver. ' Jumpin Jack Flash' was a huge mess. Whoopi Goldberg and director Howard Zieff were not getting along. Zieff left the production. The two producers pleaded with Penny to please step in and get the production back on track. Penny agreed.
She arrived on the set 36 hours later. She wasn't sure about lenses, lighting or blocking scenes with one camera. Penny was not used to the slow pace of filmmaking. At times during the production, Whoopi gave her friend grief. She often resisted Penny's suggestions.
' Jumpin Jack Flash' hit theaters in October 1986. On an 18 million dollar budget, the film grossed about $ 30 million. As far as being a director, Penny was finally on her way.

research help: ' No Crying In Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 18, 2024

biblical questions: what is spiritual growth?

 biblical questions: what is spiritual growth? by ric gustafson

Spiritual birth is receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord. Along with spiritual birth, something must happen after that. That is spiritual growth. First, we must have constant communication with Jesus. We must be in constant communication with Jesus. That is through prayer. Second, we must spend time reading God's Word. The Bible is God's Word. God's Word must be the foundation of our prayer life and every aspect of our Christian living. The Bible is God's way of communicating with us. 
Third, we need to have a church home. We need a place to become active participants in a church. The church is the body of Christ. The body of Christ is composed of many members.

research help: ' The complete Bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Praise and God's blessings. Love Ric

there's no crying in baseball page 7

 there's no crying in baseball page 7 by ric gustafson

In December 1983, Penny Marshall's mother Marjorie Marshall died. She had been in a coma and battled Alzheimers. 1983 was also the year Penny ended Laverne and Shirley. In April 1984, Penny went to the Oscars with Larry Gordon. Gordon was a producer on the film ' Terms of Endearment'. That film swept the awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress. At an after party, Penny struck up a conversation with actress Debra Winger. Winger told Penny about a film she had started called ' Peggy Sue Got Married'.
Penny was desperate to direct. Her brother Garry was a Director. Her friend Steven Spielberg was a Director. Ron Howard from Happy Days was a Director. Penny's friend Tom Hanks took a chance and got a big role in a Ron Howard film called ' Splash'. Penny's ex husband Rob Reiner became a Director. His rock mockumentary was called ' This is Spinal Tap'.

research help: ' No Crying in Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 17, 2024

there's no crying in baseball page 6

 there's no crying in baseball page 6 by ric gustafson

One way that Garry Marshall tried to keep his Happy Days people happy was to have a softball team. Penny was on the team. One member of the team was a young man in his twenties. His name was Tom Hanks. Hanks was in an ABC sitcom called Bosom Buddies. His costar was Peter Scolari. The show was on for only two years. Hanks was outgoing, cute and self assured.
Rob and Penny seperated in August 1979. The power couple had grown apart. In Hollywood, Penny's career was red hot. Rob's was cooling. Penny did not like living alone. Living on her property included Richard Dreyfuss, Tim Matheson, Jim Belushi, Jon Lovitz and Joe Pesci.
Rob and Penny divorced in 1981. Penny became friends with actress Carrie Fisher. Steven Spielberg became a friend. He cast her in one of his films called ' 1941'. One time, Penny and Carrie visited the Chicago set of a film called ' The Blues Brothers'. The stars of the film were Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi.

research help: ' No Crying in Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 16, 2024

an uncluttered Christian life: Proverbs 4:25

 an uncluttered Christian life: Proverbs 4:25 by ric gustafson

God wants us to have a fulfilling and bright future. Proverbs 4 says let your eyes look straight ahead. God does not want us to dwell on the past. God's plan for us is today and tomorrow. God does want us to learn from yesterday's mistakes. We cannot go back and do things over. God says look up and look around. God has a wonderful life planned for us. God has good things in store for us. We can trust him on that. God says one step of faith at a time.

research help: ' the joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Luke 2024 page 3

 Luke 2024 page 3 by ric gustafson

Lucanus stared at the Star. " Blessed be the name of the Lord".
Keptah quietly walked up to the boy. " Lucanus, why are you out here so late?".
The young boy pointed toward the sky. " Watching that Star".
" When did you first see that Star?".
Lucanus grinned. " My bedroom window".
Keptah kept staring. " It is a strange Star".
Lucanus smiled. " Yes, strange and beautiful".
" I was going to tell you". Keptah's voice hesitated. " I was commanded by Diodorus to be your teacher".
Lucanus's face became filled with joy.
" Then you will be sent to Alexandria for further study".
Lucanus grinned. " Thank you Master".
" Lucanus". Keptah frowned. " Do not call me Master".

research help: ' Dear and Glorious Physician' by Taylor Caldwell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

there's no crying in baseball page 5

 there's no crying in baseball page 5 by ric gustafson

On July 4 1976, Penny Marshall joined a group of performers writing sketches for the Bicentennial. Her assigned writing partner was Cindy Williams. Williams was in a teen movie called American Graffiti. Penny and Cindy were as different as night and day. Penny was low energy Cindy was always bubbly. They became a great team.
Garry came up with the idea of Penny and Cindy appearing in an episode of a 50's show he was involved in. That show was an ABC comedy called Happy Days. Penny and Cindy appeared in the episode as Pink Lady types called Laverne and Shirley.
Penny and Cindy's Happy Days episode was a hit. Then Garry had another idea. He talked to Paramount about a series starring Penny and Cindy. The show was to be called Laverne and Shirley. The show debuted in Jan 1976. It was a ratings smash. Critics called the new show dumb and unsophisticated. TV viewers loved the show.
Garry and Penny's father Tony Marshall managed Garry's company. Garry preferred writing over managing. Tensions on the set were high. Penny was obsessive and detail oriented. Cindy just tried to keep up. 

research help: ' No crying in baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 15, 2024

there's no crying in baseball page 4

 there's no crying in baseball page 4 by ric gustafson

Garry Marshall was already established in Hollywood. He had written for the Dick Van Dyke Show and the Lucy Show. When Penny reached out to him for help, he decided to help his younger sister. The problem was Penny was a nobody in the business. She had trouble landing auditions. 
Garry helped Penny get a commercial. It was a Head and Shoulders commercial with Farrah Fawcett. Penny then got a small role on an episode of an NBC series called ' Then Came Bronson'.
Garry asked his sister for some help. He asked her if she could talk to Jack Klugman about a character he was doing. That character was Oscar Madison. He was doing that character in a Broadway play. Garry had an idea for a TV series based on Oscar Madison and a character named Felix Unger played by Tony Randall. 
The TV series was called the Odd Couple. The show debuted in 1970. In April 1971, Penny married Rob Reiner. Reiner was funny, honest, driven and abrasive. Rob's father was Carl Reiner. Carl created the Dick Van Dyke Show. One of Rob's dreams was to become a director. The Odd Couple show ended in 1975.

research help: ' No Crying in Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

True Grit page 40

 True Grit page 40 by ric gustafson

I stood in my family's plot. The grave marker in front of me read ' Reuben Cogburn 1835-1903'. Chen Lee filled me in on what happened to the Marshal after he got me back to Fort Smith. He got into trouble in Fort Gibson. He killed two men. He had to surrender his federal badge,
He moved to San Antonio Texas and then Wyoming. Eventually, Rooster in 1903 joined the Cole Younger Frank James Wild West show. While they were performing in Jonesboro Arkansas, Rooster died. Frank James told me that he had been suffering from a night hoss disorder.
As I walked away from the grave marker, I smiled. Reuben Cogburn had true grit.

The End.

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Shroud page 14

 Shroud page 14 by ric gustafson

In Edessa in AD 525

Bishop Asclepius could hear the relentless rain. Many buildings had been destroyed by floods. He walked through the governor's private chapel. He did not notice any flood damage yet. He was concerned about the church relics not being damaged.
Eunuch Davit walked in. " The only damage I see is to the mosaic in the chapel antechamber".
" The mosaic". He began to worry. " Show me please".
Davit showed the Bishop the crack from the doorframe all the way to the ceiling. 
" Eunuch, we must be careful".
" Why is that?".
" I have heard a rumor that there is an important relic behind this mosaic".
Just then, a portion of the mosaic fell to the ground. It left a big hole in the glass. 
Davit looked in the hole. " Bishop, I see a box with an eye on it".
" It can't be". The Bishop walked over to the hole. He peered inside. " Davit, can you get the box out?".
After a while, Davit put the box on a table.
" The legend must be true".
Davit's eyes got big.
" Bishop, what's inside that box?".
Bishop Asclepius smiled. " The Cloth".

research help: ' The Only Witness' by Guy R Powell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 39

 True Grit page 39 by ric gustafson

LaBoeuf was holding his injured head. Cogburn threw me on top of Little Blackie. He got on. He rode up to the Texan.
" I must get baby sister to a doctor". He frowned. " Or she's not going to make it".
LaBoeuf grinned. " Goodbye Mattie Ross".
Cogburn spurred Little Blackie. The pony galloped across the meadow, down steep and brushy hills. 
I began to cry because of my broken arm. Once we got through the mountains, we headed north toward Fort Smith. At the Poteau River, Little Blackie could not go any further. Cogburn commandeered a wagon and a team of mules. After reaching Fort Smith at breakneck speed, I blacked out.
I was told it was too late to save my arm. It was amputated.

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 12, 2024

True Grit page 38

 True Grit page 38 by ric gustafson

At one point, I heard a shout. Then I heard a scuffle. Then I heard the noise of Cogburn's rifle stock crunching the head of Tom Chaney. Then I felt a large object hitting the floor next to me. It was the body of Tom Chaney.
" Are you all right baby sister?".
" Help". I yelled. " I need help".
" I am going to pitch down a rope". Cogburn's voice hesitated. " Fasten it under your arms and tie it with a good knot".
" Hurry". I was afraid. " There are snakes all around me".
Cogburn slowly lowered himself down to where I was.
I was confused. " Who is up there with the rope?". 
" I am".
I smiled. It was LaBoeuf.
Cogburn made sure the rope was secured around me. " He's going to pull us out of this pit on top of your horse".
" Little Blackie?".
Cogburn yelled. " We're ready".
On top of Little Blackie, LaBoeuf began to slowly pull us out of the pit.

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

biblical questions: what must I do to be saved?

biblical questions: what must I do to be saved? by ric gustafson

According to John 3:16, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. We suffer from the sickness of sin. We must admit we are sinners. Then we can recognize that we need a Savior. Jesus not only saved us from our sins, we are adopted sons and daughters of God. We have been, we are going to be and we will be saved through fellowship with tbe Holy Trinity. 
We must live a life of continual repentance. Repentance means to turn from sin. It means a change of heart and a change of mind. We want to follow Jesus. We want Jesus to be our Savior and Lord. We want to trust and depend on Jesus. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The complete bible answer book' by Hank Hanegraaff

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 11, 2024

there's no crying in baseball page 3

there's no crying in baseball page 3 by ric gustafson

Penny Marshall was a self described tomboy. She like being one of the guys. She grew up in a Jewish Italian part of the Bronx. Penny loved baseball. She could get into a game in the street as long as she had a bat and a ball. She loved watching Micky Mantle and Roger Maris at Yankee Stadium. 
Her mother Marjorie had a handful with Penny. Penny was born on October 15 1943. As soon as she could walk, she followed her older brother Garry everywhere. When Penny was eight, Garry left for Northwestern University. When her brother Ronny left for Northwestern, Penny felt all alone.
After high school, Penny enrolled at the University of New Mexico. She fell in love with one of the football players Mickey Henry. Penny got pregnant. She gave birth to a daughter Tracy in July 1964. She divorced Mickey two years later.
Penny did not know what to do with her life. She decided to call the one person she could trust. Penny called her older brother Garry.

research help: ' No crying in baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 10, 2024

True Grit page 37

 True Grit page 37 by ric gustafson

While LaBoeuf and I were celebrating, Tom Chaney quietly picked up a huge rock and broke LaBoeuf's head. The Texan groaned in agony.
In anger, I picked up the old dragoon revolver. I cocked the hammer. I pulled the trigger. The ball went into Chaney's head. The kick of the revolver drove me backwards into the pit.
Down and down I fell. When I hit the bottom, I hit it hard. I felt as if the wind was knocked from my lungs. I lay still until I had regained my breath.
I tried to move. I could not. My arms were pinned. I winced. I looked and noticed my left forearm was bent. It looked like my left arm was broken. I winced again.
" LaBoeuf help". I cried out. " Can you hear me?".
I looked around for a stick to help my arm. Then I cried out. Next to me was a skeleton. There was a shirt around his midsection. I pulled at the skeleton's ribcage. I saw something move in the rib cage. I screamed. It was a ball of rattlesnakes.

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 9, 2024

there's no crying in baseball page 2

 there's no crying in baseball page 2 by ric gustafson

Charlie Wessler was sitting at a desk next to a xerox machine. He had just been hired as Penny Marshall's manager. " Penny, I think you should become a director".
" Eh". She stared at her friend. " You really think so".
" You are a natural". He smiled. " You have already directed 4 episodes of Laverne and Shirley and a pilot".
" I don't know about acting". She frowned. " I'm insecure about my nose, teeth and the sound of my voice".
" I think you should become a director". He smiled. " You know where all the jokes are".
" You're right Charlie". Penny grinned. " That's why you are my new manager".

research help: ' No Crying in Baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

there's no crying in baseball page 1

 there's no crying in baseball page 1 by ric gustafson

It was the summer of 1991. Pacing behind a camera, a cigarette dangling from her mouth was director Penny Marshall. In front of her was actress Geena Davis. Davis stepped up to home plate. She bent her knees. She wrapped her hands around a bat. As the camera rolled, Davis tried to keep her eye on the ball. The camera caught everything. She was frustrated. She was an actress trying to be a baseball player. Every actress wanted her role.
Davis had practiced for weeks. Coaches showed her how to hit, catch and throw. On this first day of Davis's filming, they wanted her to hit a home run. Pitch after pitch, take after take Davis kept swinging her bat. It was not going well.
Finally, Director Penny Marshall had had enough. 
" Hit the ball hit the ball". Marshall was starting to lose her mind. " Put me out of my misery".

research help: ' No crying in baseball' by Erin Carlson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Light of the World: closer to the light

 Light of the World: closer to the light by ric gustafson

When we are in the dark, we stumble around confused and not sure of things. When the light is on, we can see clearly and can get around better. Jesus wants us close to hm. Why? because he is the Light of the World. Satan tries to keep us in the dark and away from our light. When things are dark and lonely, Satan knows that is the best time to convince us to stay away from Jesus.
How do we draw near to the Light of the World?. We read God's Word.  We need to sit in Jesus's presence. We need to spend time in prayer. We need to get involved in a church community. We need to spend time in worship. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Arise and Shine' by Allyson Golden

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

an uncluttered Christian life: don't fret about the future

 an uncluttered Christian life: don't fret about the future by ric gustafson

According to Matthew 6, each day has enough trouble of it's own. When thinking about the future, it can make us overwhelmed and anxious. For that reason, God gives us grace for only one day at a time. Each day here contains all we can handle. Each day here has challenges and blessings. 
God simply asks us to trust him day by day. Week by week. Month by month. And year after year. It's easy to worry and fret. God simply asks us to trust him day by day. Worrying about tomorrow complicates life. In Luke 11, Jesus teaches us to pray for daily bread. God will meet our daily needs. 
God will give us what we need in his time not ours. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Luke 2024 page 2

 Luke 2024 page 2 by ric gustafson

Diodorus held Lucanus's hand as he walked him home. " Lucanus, do you want to be a bookkeeper like your father?".
" No Master". Lucanus held tightly onto his master's hand. " I want to be a physician".
" For someone so young". He smiled at the young lad. " How did this decision happen?".
" I have been talking to some physicians in Antioch". Lucanus grinned. " They have been telling me about a school of medicine in Alexandria".
Diodorus frowned. " I have been told it is expensive to attend there".
" God will provide the money I need".
The two stopped in front of a house.
Aeneas walked out. " Thank you Diodorus for bringing my son home".
" An interesting boy Aeneas". The tribune smiled. " I enjoyed talking to him".

research help: ' Dear and Glorious Physician' by Taylor Caldwell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Luke 2024 page 1

 Luke 2024 page 1 by ric gustafson

Lucanus handed Diodorus the stone. " Master, do you think that he is here?".
Diodorus glanced around the courtyard. " Is who here?".
Lucanus smiled. " The Unknown God".
He studied the stone. " Why do you call him Unknown?".
" Because Master". Lucanus grinned. " He has no name".
" Is he the God of the Jews?".
Lucanus pointed around the courtyard. " He is the God of all men".
" How do you know this Lucanus?".
The boy smiled. " I know it in my heart".
" What does your heart tell you?".
" That someday I shall find him".

research help: ' Dear and Glorious Physician' by Taylor Caldwell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I have called you by name page 7

 I have called you by name page 7 by ric gustafson

Mary walked out into the street.
" Lilith".
Mary turned around. It was the man she had encountered before.
He was dressed in religious vestments. " It is you".
" My name is not Lilith".
" My name is Nicodemus". He smiled. " I ministered to you earlier".
" My name is Mary".
Mary remembered that horrible day. " I must go".
" Mary, I am desperate for your help".
" Why?".
" I believe you were healed by a miracle".
" Someone else healed me".
" Mary, who healed you?".
" I don't know his name".

research help: ' The Chosen I have called you by name' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

an uncluttered Christian life: a life that glorifies God

 an uncluttered Christian life: a life that glorifies God by ric gustafson

According to I Corinthians 10, whatever you do do it all for the glory of God. God wants us to glorify him through the way we act in this short life. God wants us to act a holy life. God gives us spiritual activities such as prayer, bible study, good works and fellowship with other believers. Our life will change when we study God's Word.
When we glorify God in everything we do, we simplify our lives. God desires an intimate relationship with us. Our life will become uncluttered when we simplify and glorify God always.

research help: ' The joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Reluctant Beatle page 10

 The Reluctant Beatle page 10 by ric gustafson

The Beatles settled into their lunch time gig at the Cavern. They were part of a rotation of several bands playing at the same time. One of the other bands was Gerry and the Pacemakers. Their leader was Gerry Marsden
The Beatles musical selections were widespread. From American R and B to black female groups, nothing was off limits. A female following began at their performances. Females with beehive hairdos, black caked eyes and balloon  skirts would fill the room. With a growing fan base and a steady place to stay, the band did 292 lunch time gigs between 1961 and 1963.
The band was invited back to Hamburg Germany to play at the Top Ten Club. They were invited back by the club's owner Peter Eckhorn. Things were vastly different from the first time the band played there. The band was now the club's headliners. Also George was now of legal age to play there. 
To get through the neon crazy nights, the band was introduced to Preludin. The fifth Beatle Stu left the group because he had found a new girlfriend. Her name was Astrid Kirchherr. The band decided not to replace him.

research help: ' George Harrison the Reluctant Beatle' by Philip Norman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

an uncluttered Christian life: your top priority

 an uncluttered Christian life: your top priority by ric gustafson

According to Psalm 35, God has plans to prosper us. To God, prosperity means more than money and possessions, To God, the most important thing is that our needs are met and that things are going well for us. God gives us what we need. Then he wants us to share it with others.
According to I Timothy 6, God gives us richly all things to enjoy. God wants to give us things. He does not want it to rule our lives. 
God gives us joy. God wants us to give joy to others. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, August 5, 2024

I have called you by name page 6

 I have called you by name page 6 by ric gustafson

Lilith reached for the cup. She was about to drink it all. She did not care any longer. 
Just then, a man with a beard put a hand over the cup. " That's not for you".
" Don't touch me". Whatever was inside her was repulsed by this man.
She stared at the man who gave her the drink. " I have to go". She exits. The man follows her outside.
Lilith yells at the man. " Leave me alone".
He smiled. " Mary".
Lilith stared at the man. 
" Mary of Magdala".
" How do you know my name?".
" The Lord created you".
" I would say that as a child".
" And he who formed you".
Her head throbbed. The demons inside her hated this man.
Jesus smiled. " I have called you by name".
" Who are you?".
Jesus put her face in his hands. She gasped. " Be gone".
Mary began to sob. She was free from the tormenters inside her. 
She was not Lilith any longer. Her name was Mary.

research help: ' The Chosen I have called you by name' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

True Grit page 36

 True Grit page 36 by ric gustafson

" Fill your hands you SOB". Rooster put the reins in his teeth. He pulled out his other saddle revolver. Driving his spur into the flank of his horse Bo, Cogburn began to charge directly at the bandits. The four bandits on the other side of the meadow began to charge at Rooster.
I smiled at LaBoeuf. " I knew Marshal Cogburn had true grit".
The Texan raised his rifle. He didn't shoot.
" I can't shoot". He frowned at me. " They're too far away".
Cogburn shot Harold Permalee first. He noticed Greaser Bob had escaped with his money. Then Ferrell Permalee was hit.
Then Cogburn's horse fell to the ground. Cogburn was pinned underneath it.
Lucky Ned Pepper quietly rode up next to Cogburn's horse. He was holding a revolver in his hand.
" Rooster, I am all shot to pieces".
LaBoeuf got into a sitting position. He aimed his Sharps rifle.
Pepper aimed his revolver at Rooster.
A shot rang out. Pepper fell over his horse. He was dead.
I yelled with joy. " Hurrah for the man from Texas".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, August 4, 2024

True Grit page 35

 True Grit page 35 by ric gustafson

LaBoeuf and I watched as Pepper and his bandits began to ride into the meadow.
Then I smiled. I pointed. " Look over there, it's Marshal Cogburn".
Cogburn stopped his horse right in the middle of the meadow. In his left hand, he held a navy revolver. In his right hand, his reins.
" Where is the girl Ned?".
" She was ok when I saw her last". Pepper smirked. " I cannot answer for her now".
" Where is she Ned?".
LaBoeuf  stood up. " She's alright Cogburn". His voice hesitated. " We have Chaney".
" Well Rooster, will you give us the road?".
" I can't do that Ned".
" Rooster, we have business elsewhere".
" I mean to kill you in one minute Ned". Cogburn thought for a moment. " Or see you hanged in Fort Smith".
" I call that bold talk for a one eyed fat man".

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

an uncluttered Christian life: the joy of contentment

an uncluttered Christian life: the joy of contentment by ric gustafson

Hebrews 13 says be content with what you have. In our culture, the attitude is we crave more and more. Yet we do not enjoy what we do have. God wants us to enjoy what we do have. God does not want us to always be craving more. Philippians 4 says trust God to meet all your needs. The world preaches that more will make us happy. God says that is not true. Having more complicates our lives. 
God says ask me what you want. Then we need to believe that God will give it to us. God will give it to us in his time not ours. Then we can enjoy life. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, August 3, 2024

True Grit page 34

 True Grit page 34 by ric gustafson

I woke up. My head was throbbing. Chaney had knocked me out by hitting me with his pistol. I opened my eyes. I smiled. In front of me was LaBoeuf. His rifle was trained on Chaney.
" Are you hurt Mattie?".
" Yes". I felt a huge lump on my head. " Chaney knocked me out by hitting me in the head with his pistol".
LaBoeuf  glanced at Chaney. " You're bleeding".
Chaney stared at me. " She shot me in the ribs".
I glanced around. " Where is Marshal Cogburn?".
" Down below". He pointed his rifle at Chaney. " Let's move".
They walked around a pit.
Mattie glanced at the pit. " Chaney says there are deadly snakes in there".
They walked to a far corner of the ledge. LaBoeuf and Mattie looked down. Below them was a level and open meadow.

research help: ' True Grit' by Charles Portis

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, August 2, 2024

an uncluttered Christian life: Ecclesiastes 9:10

 an uncluttered Christian life: Ecclesiastes 9:10 by ric gustafson

The bible verse from Ecclesiastes says whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. With God's help we can train our minds to always stay in focus. Philippians 4 says not to be anxious about anything. 
God wants us to live one day at a time. God wants us to devote ourselves out thoughts and our energy to the day at hand.
God says to us give me your fears, anxiety and confusing thoughts. 
The truth is God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' the joy of an uncluttered life' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, August 1, 2024

I have called you by name page 5

 I have called you by name page 5 by ric gustafson

Nicodemus heard the screeching coming from upstairs.
" Do you hear her?". Rivka fumed. " She acts like this day and night".
Nicodemus walked upstairs. He opened a door. He could feel the presence of something dreadful. " I adjure you cursed dragon and diabolical legions". He could see a woman in a fetal position. She was writhing.
Nicodemus yelled. " Come out of her".
Lilith wails were raspy and low.
" In the name of Adonai God of the heavens".
Lilith began to moan and groan.
" Cease to deceive this human creature".
Lilith began to bellow.
" Fly from this innocent soul".
Lilith became quiet.
Nicodemus walked over to her.
Lilith's face smiled at Nicodemus as if amused. " We are not afraid of you".
Nicodemus froze. 
" You have no power here Teacher".
Scared. Nicodemus ran out the door.

research help: ' The Chosen I have called you by name' by Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric