Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Thank You: Thankfulness

 Thank You: Thankfulness by ric gustafson

God does a lot for us. We need to be thankful. Even if the circumstance is not pleasant, we still need to be thankful. Our blessings always outweigh our troubles. We create problems when we take things for granted. Expressing gratitude is good for us. When we are focused on blessings instead of problems, we have joy and contentment.
In the story of Jesus and the ten lepers, only one came back to thank him. Giving thanks shows spiritual maturity. We are not born thankful people. Jesus gives us peace, grace, hope and mercy. The Apostle Paul always reminded people to be thankful. Paul was the Apostle of thanksgiving. Paul experienced grace and mercy from God. Paul never stopped being grateful. 

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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