Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Thank You: no complaints

Thank You: no complaints by ric gustafson

God does not answer complaints. Do we focus on our problems and not on God?.  We need to thank God for our blessings. When we complain, a door for the Devil opens. If we pray with thanksgiving, a door for God opens. We need to pray for a thankful life. Complaining is dangerous and offensive to God. A heart without gratitude is unattractive to God.
James 4 says you do not have because you do not ask God. We need to simply ask God what we want and need. But we need to come with thanksgiving. God's Word tells us to do all things without complaining. In spiritual warfare, we need to remain thankful. We complain when we don't like something. Complaining is a sin. God gives us wisdom. He expects us to use it. 
We have countless decisions to make. God should always come first. Why?. Because the simple truth is that God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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