Thursday, March 21, 2024

Christianity page 4

 Christianity page 4 by ric gustafson

There were two main groups in the Jewish world as far as interpreting the scriptures. The first was the Sadducees. This group supported and upheld Roman occupation. They were rich, conservative and linked by family alliances. They had large estates and saw Roman rule as secure. Sadducee traditions were not preserved. Their religion was defective and impractible. They interpreted law literally without any allowance for historical change.
The Pharisees were a group of collaborators who ruled through a High Council in Jerusalem. This was called the Sanhedrin. They also did not historically change. They did not have a popular following. The Romans upheld the powers of the Council and enforced Jewish cult rules. The Sanhedrin was mostly the family circle of Annas the high priest. 
The Sanhedrin was 70 members made up of priests, elders and scribes. They were a middle class popular party. The prosecution of Jesus was one of the few times both of these groups agreed on anything. 
Another group was called the Essenes. Their concern was the purity of the Temple. Priests were the founders of this group. The group eventually moved to caves near the Dead Sea. This place was called Qumran. Their priests had to wear special garments. These garments had to be constantly changed and washed. They had to be without physical blemish.
What this group proved is that the Temple did not have to be a building. The worshippers were the church. As far as history, Qumran became a center of resistance during the war of AD 66-70. It was stormed and burned by the Roman army. 
It was at this point that an Essene monk came on the scene. He played a very important role in Christianity. He changed the world forever. He paved the way for Jesus Christ.
His name was John the Baptist.

research help: ' A History of Christianity' by Paul Johnson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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