Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Christianity page 1

 Christianity page 1 by ric gustafson

The story of Christianity starts in the first century AD. It very likely started in AD 49. Paul of Tarsus traveled from Antioch to Jerusalem. There he met the surviving followers of Jesus of Nazareth. This Apostolic Conference was the first political act in the history of Christianity. 
We have two accounts of this event. One account was from Paul himself in a letter he wrote to the congregation in Galatia. The second account comes from eye witness accounts that were written in the Acts of the Apostles. This was written by Luke. The report stated that a dispute happened between Paul and certain people in Jerusalem and Judea regarding the Jewish ritual of circumcision. Paul along with Barnabas decided to travel to Jerusalem to talk with the apostles and elders.
This meeting was a mixed reception. They were welcomed by the church and the apostles and elders. But there was those who insisted that Paul was wrong. That all converts must be circumcized and that they must keep the Jewish law of Moses. Peter supported Paul. 
It was decided that Paul and Barnabas would go back to Antioch with a Jerusalem delegation bearing a letter. The letter stated a compromise. Converts did not need to submit to circumcision. But they had to observe Jewish law in matters of diet and sexual conduct. This was approved by everyone. 
Paul's version of events was different but the fact remained. This was the first major decision of Christianity. Jesus's church had begun. 

research help: ' A History of Christianity' by Paul Johnson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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