Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Columbine page 8

 Columbine page 8 by ric gustafson

At 11:18 am, Eric Harris was worried. The bombs had not gone off as planned. He ran and got Dylan. The two ran into the school. They ran up some external stairs to the west exit. The time was 11:19 am. The two teens opened their duffel bags and took out their shotguns. They began firing.
Eric began firing outside the school. In some nearby grass, Rachel Scott was hit in the head and chest. She died instantly. Eating lunch with Rachel was Richard Castaldo. He was hit in the arms and torso. Three friends were walking toward the stairs. A student named Danny was hit in the chest, abdomen and left knee. Lance Kiaklin was hit in the chest, leg, knee and foot. Sean Graves was hit. Someone propped him up at the entrance to the cafeteria. At one point during the shooting, Dylan actually stepped over Sean in order to open the cafeteria door. 
When Dylan opened the cafeteria door, students fled. Some of the students tried to hide under the cafeteria tables. Some of the students ran for the nearby stairs.
At that moment, Coach Sanders ran in from a nearby faculty lounge. He yelled for students to run up some stairs from the ' commons' to the second floor. When Dylan stepped over Sean Graves and opened the cafeteria door, at least 100 students were on the staircase trying to get up to the second floor of the school. But for some reason, Dylan did not fire. Up to that point, Dylan had only fired his shotgun five times. He quickly left the cafeteria to rejoin Eric. The time was 11:23 am.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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