Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Manhunt page 3

 Manhunt page 3 by ric gustafson

At the Executive Mansion, Abraham Lincoln was eating breakfast. He was also planning his day. His eldest son Robert was a junior officer on General Grant's staff. He was currently home from the war. Robert had been at Lee's surrender. The President was eager to talk to his son about that.
At 11:00 am, the cabinet meeting started. Lincoln was in a good mood. The President was hearing good news from the battle fronts. Lincoln had always feared and believed in dreams. By 3:00, the President had all of his business wrapped up.
James Ford found several flags to decorate the President's box. He also got brightly colored cotton and silk bunting. At the corner of Tenth and Pennsylvania, Ford ran into John Wilkes Booth. Booth was leaving the theatre. Booth noticed the red, white and blue flags. 
Between 2 and 4, Booth picked up a rental horse. Booth returned to the National Hotel at 4:00 pm.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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