Saturday, March 23, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 25

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 25 by ric gustafson

Jesus's cross was put into the hole between the two thieves. After a short time, Jesus looked with sympathy at the crowd below him. " Father, forgive them because they do not know what they do".
Later, one of the thieves began to taunt Jesus. " If you are the Christ, save yourself and us".
The other thief rebuked him. " You should fear God, you and I are being punished for our crimes". His voice hesitated. " But this man has done nothing wrong". The thief turned toward Jesus. " Remember me when you come into your kingdom".
Jesus slowly turned his head. " Today you shall be with me in paradise".
At one point, Jesus looked to his right. He saw his mother, his mother's sister, Mary Magdalene and the disciple whom he loved.
He said to his mother. " Woman, behold your son".
He said to the disciple he loved. " Behold your mother".
After that, the disciple took Mary to his own house.
From the sixth hour to the ninth, darkness fell over the land.
At about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice. " Eli Eli lama sabachthani".
Now Jesus knew all things were now accomplished. " I thirst".
Flavius ordered one of the soldiers to give Jesus a sponge with just pure vinegar.
Jesus received the sponge. " It is finished".
" Father, into your hands I commit my spirit".
Jesus breathed his last.
The sky totally darkened, the ground shook like an earthquake. The veil of the Temple tore from top to bottom.
Flavius was standing at the foot of Jesus's cross. He saw all the things that were happening.
" Truly this man was the Son of God".

the End

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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