Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Columbine page 7

 Columbine page 7 by ric gustafson

That Tuesday, both teens were up early. The morning was dark and warm. The teens missed bowling class. They went to a grocery store to buy propane tanks. The tanks were to be used for the big bombs. By 7:00 am, Eric and Dylan were ready to put their plan into action. Robyn Anderson noticed that Dylan did not show up for calculus. Brooks Brown noticed Eric did not show up for a psychology test.
Right before 11:00 am, Judgment Day began. The two teens set up a decoy bomb near Eric's house to go off at 11:14 am. That day, Dylan wore cargo pants, a black t shirt and a Red Sox ballcap. Eric wore a t shirt and black combat boots. 
As the teens drove toward Columbine High School, they knew they did not have much time. They wanted to plant their big bombs when the lunch hour began at 11:10 am. When the lunch hour began, they had to carry their bombs in, put them under certain pillars and quickly get back out. Dylan parked in the Senior lot. From here, he could kill whoever would be running from the first floor and the library. Eric parked in the junior lot. From there, he could kill anyone coming from the student entrance.
Shortly after 11:14 am, the teens entered the ' commons' and set their bombs. They were set to go off at 11:17 am. The teens quickly left and went back outside. They went back to their cars. They patiently waited for Judgment Day to begin.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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