Sunday, March 31, 2024

Manhunt page 5

 Manhunt page 5 by ric gustafson

It was past 8:00 pm. The Lincoln's were behind schedule. The President insisted that he and Mary take a carriage ride. Lincoln wanted to spend time with his wife. Mary had been distraught following the death of their son Willie in Feb 1862. Mary was a kind woman. She also had expensive shopping habits. She also had a jealous temper. With all of his presidential duties, Lincoln had been spending less time with his wife. Lincoln knew that had to change.
The Lincoln's afternoon carriage ride took them to the Navy Yard. There, they looked at a monitor named the Montauk. Lincoln was anxious to be finally free from the war and death. Mary could tell the President was in a good mood. 
At Lafayette Park near the White House, Major Henry Rathbone and his fiancee Clara Harris were waiting patiently for the Lincoln's to come and pick them up. They were coming with the Lincoln's to the play that evening. At 8:20 pm twenty minutes late, the Lincoln's come and pick them up. It was a ten minute carriage ride to Ford's Theatre. The play had already started.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 30, 2024

God the Father: the Father is near

 God the Father: the Father is near by ric gustafson

God has many attributes. God is powerful and majestic. God is full of wisdom, grace and truth. God is justice. God is just. God is full of grace and truth. God is relatable. Jesus refers to his Father 189 times in the Gospels alone. God is our Heavenly Father. 
God is our perfect Father. He can unlock prison doors. He can heal wounds. He can give us a greater purpose. God can take away guilt, sorrows and struggles. God can help us with broken relationships. We can call God Abba Father. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Perfect Father' by Louie Giglio

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 29, 2024

Manhunt page 4

 Manhunt page 4 by ric gustafson

Later in the afternoon of Good Friday, Booth visited a boardinghouse at 541 H Street. The proprietor was a 42 year old widow named Mary E Surratt. Her son was a Confederate courier and a friend of Booth's. Booth asked Surratt to hold a package  and other items until after the play performance. He told her he would be picking them up as he was on his way out of town. He had to leave Washington right after the performance. She agreed.
After stopping at Ford's Theatre, Booth returned to the National Hotel. He prepared his weapons. He decided his main weapon was going to be a Deringer. This was a 44 caliber single shot muzzle loading percussion cap pistol. It was a pocket sized handgun designed for concealment. This pistol could only be fired once. It took twenty to forty seconds  to reload. The pistol needed to be used at short range. The pistol's ball was a solid deadly round.
Booth's backup weapon was a sharp Bowie knife. Booth did not get the Derringer ready until late in the afternoon. 
Around 8:00 pm, Booth was at the Herndon House which was around the corner from Ford's Theatre. He was with some of his coconspirators. This was Lewis Powell, David Herold and George Atzerodt.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God the Father: the most important thing

 God the Father: the most important thing by ric gustafson

What is the most important thing about you?
It's not where you're from
It's not your level of education
It's not what other people think about you.
It's not even what you think about yourself
It's not what kind of family you have
It's not what your gifts and abilities are
It's not what you've overcome
It's not what you own or don't own
It's not what you've done or haven't done
It's not your looks or smarts.
The most important thing about you is what you think about when you think about God.
We were made by God. We did not make ourselves. We were not random or a cosmic accident. Our hearts search for God. We were made by God and for God. 
God the Father loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Perfect Father' by Louie Giglio

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 28, 2024

God the Father: craving God's love

 God the Father: craving God's love by ric gustafson

Your earthly father was not perfect. But we do have a perfect Father in heaven. He loves us and wants to shower us with blessings. When our earthly father is not here with us any longer, God the Father is. No matter what has happened here with your earthly father, God our Father in heaven loves us more than anything else. God the Father made us and wants us to have joy. He wants to shower us with blessings. 
The blessings of our heavenly Father are way better than any human relationship. 
God the Father simply asks us to give him a chance. We are sons and daughters of the King of the universe. God is saying take a step toward me. It may be risky. But it's worth the risk. 
God the Father loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Perfect Father' by Louie Giglio

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thank You: a humble heart

 Thank You: a humble heart by ric gustafson

Being thankful is the overflow of a humble heart. Complaining is the overflow of a proud heart. Proud people think they deserve everything. Humble people realize they deserve nothing. Humble people are thankful for all that God has done for them.
God gives us blessings we do not deserve. Complaining is the fruit of a proud heart. When we complain, we think that we deserve better. The humble get help not the proud. We need to be humble in tough times. Difficulty needs to turn to gratitude. According to Romans 12, we need to realize that everything we have and everything we can do is because of God's grace. Our abilities are gifts from God. Pride always causes problems. Jesus hates pride. Humility must be sought and practiced.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

The End.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Thank You: an encourager

 Thank You: an encourager by ric gustafson

The Holy Spirit lives in us. According to John 14, he is an encourager. God wants us to encourage others. We must ask God and follow his guidance. God wants us to bless and encourage others. According to Romans 2, Jesus did not show favoritism. Jesus treated all people the same. It is wonderful to give and receive encouragement. We need to encourage people to not give up. We all need that from time to time. 
According to Matthew 7, we need to treat others as we want to be treated. In Romans 12, God gives specific gifts. This includes serving, teaching, giving and encouraging. Encouragement is a God given ability. The church grows as we build up others. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Christianity page 5

 Christianity page 5 by ric gustafson

So who was John the Baptist?. Some say he was an Essene monk. Did he proclaim that the war against the Sons of Darkness would begin?. John the Baptist was a link between Judaism and Jesus himself. There is not much historical knowledge of this man. In some ways he is a mysterious figure. He combined Essene teaching to Jewish eschatology. John was impatient and a wild looking man. His message was that the Messiah was already here. His message was to repent and prepare. And then Jesus appeared.
So what was the importance of John the Baptist in the mission of Jesus?. He was the one who set Jesus's mission into action. John moved away from Essene concepts. His baptism technique was different. What John offered was open to the entire Jewish people. John did not teach Jesus, he identified him. Even though not much of John the Baptist is known he was very important to the history of Christianity.

research help: ' A History of Christianity' by Paul Johnson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thank You: no complaints

Thank You: no complaints by ric gustafson

God does not answer complaints. Do we focus on our problems and not on God?.  We need to thank God for our blessings. When we complain, a door for the Devil opens. If we pray with thanksgiving, a door for God opens. We need to pray for a thankful life. Complaining is dangerous and offensive to God. A heart without gratitude is unattractive to God.
James 4 says you do not have because you do not ask God. We need to simply ask God what we want and need. But we need to come with thanksgiving. God's Word tells us to do all things without complaining. In spiritual warfare, we need to remain thankful. We complain when we don't like something. Complaining is a sin. God gives us wisdom. He expects us to use it. 
We have countless decisions to make. God should always come first. Why?. Because the simple truth is that God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Manhunt page 3

 Manhunt page 3 by ric gustafson

At the Executive Mansion, Abraham Lincoln was eating breakfast. He was also planning his day. His eldest son Robert was a junior officer on General Grant's staff. He was currently home from the war. Robert had been at Lee's surrender. The President was eager to talk to his son about that.
At 11:00 am, the cabinet meeting started. Lincoln was in a good mood. The President was hearing good news from the battle fronts. Lincoln had always feared and believed in dreams. By 3:00, the President had all of his business wrapped up.
James Ford found several flags to decorate the President's box. He also got brightly colored cotton and silk bunting. At the corner of Tenth and Pennsylvania, Ford ran into John Wilkes Booth. Booth was leaving the theatre. Booth noticed the red, white and blue flags. 
Between 2 and 4, Booth picked up a rental horse. Booth returned to the National Hotel at 4:00 pm.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Manhunt page 2

 Manhunt page 2 by ric gustafson

John Wilkes Booth woke up in the morning of April 14 1865. He was hungover and depressed. The Confederacy he loved was dead. His dreams of glory was over. His cause was lost. After a week of bad news, he could not take much more. He was not looking forward to another day of Union celebrations. 
The string of bad days started April 3 1865. Richmond fell to the Union. The next day April 4, Abraham Lincoln visited the prize he strived for. On April 9, Robert E Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia surrendered. On April 11, Lincoln was giving a speech proposing to give blacks the right to vote. On April 13, all of Washington celebrated. On Good Friday April 14, the Union was going to stage a gala to mark the retaking of Fort Sumter. To John Wilkes Booth, it had been a rotten 11 days.
As Booth sat down to breakfast that Good Friday , a letter arrived at Ford's Theatre. It was from Mrs Lincoln herself. Herself and the President would be attending the play there that evening. The Theatre was thrilled. The play that evening was ' Our American Cousin'. Booth was elated. His opportunity had come. He knew Ford's Theatre inside and out. He did not need to hunt Lincoln. Lincoln was coming to him in eight hours. He had the afternoon to prepare.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 25

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 25 by ric gustafson

Jesus's cross was put into the hole between the two thieves. After a short time, Jesus looked with sympathy at the crowd below him. " Father, forgive them because they do not know what they do".
Later, one of the thieves began to taunt Jesus. " If you are the Christ, save yourself and us".
The other thief rebuked him. " You should fear God, you and I are being punished for our crimes". His voice hesitated. " But this man has done nothing wrong". The thief turned toward Jesus. " Remember me when you come into your kingdom".
Jesus slowly turned his head. " Today you shall be with me in paradise".
At one point, Jesus looked to his right. He saw his mother, his mother's sister, Mary Magdalene and the disciple whom he loved.
He said to his mother. " Woman, behold your son".
He said to the disciple he loved. " Behold your mother".
After that, the disciple took Mary to his own house.
From the sixth hour to the ninth, darkness fell over the land.
At about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice. " Eli Eli lama sabachthani".
Now Jesus knew all things were now accomplished. " I thirst".
Flavius ordered one of the soldiers to give Jesus a sponge with just pure vinegar.
Jesus received the sponge. " It is finished".
" Father, into your hands I commit my spirit".
Jesus breathed his last.
The sky totally darkened, the ground shook like an earthquake. The veil of the Temple tore from top to bottom.
Flavius was standing at the foot of Jesus's cross. He saw all the things that were happening.
" Truly this man was the Son of God".

the End

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 22, 2024

Manhunt page 1

 Manhunt page 1 by ric gustafson

It was March 4 1865. The morning was an ugly gray sky. One block east of the Capitol Building, William M Smith was setting up a camera. The lawyer and part time photographer pointed his camera at a temporary wooden platform that had been quickly put up over the East Front steps. His objective was to take a historic photograph. The subject of this photograph was the completed Great Dome of the Capitol Building.
Closer to the Capitol Building was Alexander Gardner. His job was to photograph the actual ceremony. His large glass plate negatives gave an image of the President, Vice President, Chief Justice and other dignitaries. Gardner's camera also focused on hundreds of spectators who had crowded the East Front. 
One of the spectators was a young actor who was standing near an iron railing. His name was John Wilkes Booth. 
On this day in history, Abraham Lincoln was at the height of his power. The Civil War was nearly won. On this day, Abraham Lincoln did not know that his demise was watching him.

research help: ' Manhunt' by James L Swanson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 24

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 24 by ric gustafson

After reaching the Skull, Flavius ordered two of his soldiers to strip the two thieves. As they yelled in pain, their hands and feet were nailed to their crosses. Holes were dug into the ground. Their crosses were raised up and put into the holes. Jesus was also stripped. He groaned as his hands and feet were nailed into his cross. Over the head of Jesus a sign was put. It said ' Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews'. There was complaining by the religious about the sign. The sign stayed the same.
Flavius stared at the bleeding man. His respect and admiration for the man had only increased since he healed the ear of Malchus in the garden. He knew some of his men physically abused him. He had tried to minimize it as much as he could. He shook his head as several people around Jesus's cross were mocking him and yelling at him to come down from his cross.
Then a normal crucifixion routine happened.
" Let's divide his garments".
The other three soldiers agreed. They put down their spears.
Jesus sadly looked on.
Flavius picked up Jesus's clothing and put it in the middle of the circle. A soldier picked a robe like garment, one soldier his belt and another his sandals. A soldier picked Jesus's headpiece. 
Flavius picked up Jesus's tunic. Flavius was impressed how beautiful it looked.
" Let's not tear it". Flavius smiled. " It is without seam from the top".
One of the soldiers grinned. " Let's roll lots for it".
One of the soldiers smiled. " Does anybody have any dice?".
One of the soldiers reached into his pocket. " I do".
One of the soldiers yelled " seven wins". He threw the dice on the hard dusty ground. It came up 7. " I win". Flavius handed him the tunic.
They all stood up, picked up their spears and went back to work.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Christianity page 4

 Christianity page 4 by ric gustafson

There were two main groups in the Jewish world as far as interpreting the scriptures. The first was the Sadducees. This group supported and upheld Roman occupation. They were rich, conservative and linked by family alliances. They had large estates and saw Roman rule as secure. Sadducee traditions were not preserved. Their religion was defective and impractible. They interpreted law literally without any allowance for historical change.
The Pharisees were a group of collaborators who ruled through a High Council in Jerusalem. This was called the Sanhedrin. They also did not historically change. They did not have a popular following. The Romans upheld the powers of the Council and enforced Jewish cult rules. The Sanhedrin was mostly the family circle of Annas the high priest. 
The Sanhedrin was 70 members made up of priests, elders and scribes. They were a middle class popular party. The prosecution of Jesus was one of the few times both of these groups agreed on anything. 
Another group was called the Essenes. Their concern was the purity of the Temple. Priests were the founders of this group. The group eventually moved to caves near the Dead Sea. This place was called Qumran. Their priests had to wear special garments. These garments had to be constantly changed and washed. They had to be without physical blemish.
What this group proved is that the Temple did not have to be a building. The worshippers were the church. As far as history, Qumran became a center of resistance during the war of AD 66-70. It was stormed and burned by the Roman army. 
It was at this point that an Essene monk came on the scene. He played a very important role in Christianity. He changed the world forever. He paved the way for Jesus Christ.
His name was John the Baptist.

research help: ' A History of Christianity' by Paul Johnson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thank You: Romans 8

 Thank You: Romans 8 by ric gustafson

According to Romans 8, all things work together for our good. Going through difficult times can make you a better person. There is a purpose for the trials in our life. God takes our trials and mixes them with blessings. God makes it all work out. God wants us to believe that it will work out in the end for us. God will never give us more than we can handle. Everyone goes through seasons of trials and difficulties. 
God wants us to forget and let go of the past. God has a great future planned for us. God's timing is always perfect. We must always tell God thank you. God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 23

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 23 by ric gustafson 

Flavius pointed to two of his soldiers. " Bring up the two thieves from the dungeon". When they came, the two plus Jesus were brought from the Hall of Judgment into the street.
Flavius pointed. " Keep that jeering crowd back".
A crossbeam was put on the backs of the two thieves. A crossbeam was also put on the bloody torn back of Jesus. The two thieves were put up front. Jesus was put behind them. Flavius walked up front to help the keep the growing crowd at bay.
The procession began. The three men slowly tried to walk with the heavy crossbeams at their back. By this time, Jesus was very weak from the scourging. He fell down.
Flavius's admiration for Jesus had been growing. He felt sympathy.
" Halt". He walked over and helped him get back up.
The procession started again. Flavius knew it was a short walk to the northwest gate of the city. Outside that gate was a hill called Golgotha. It was a familiar place for the centurion. He had performed many crucifixions there.
Jesus fell down again.
Frustrated, Flavius looked intently at the crowd of people. He noticed an African bystander who looked strong. " You". He pointed at him. " Pick up that crossbeam and follow us".
The heavy crossbeam was put on the bystander's strong shoulders.
The procession started again.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Christianity page 3

 Christianity page 3 by ric gustafson

At this point in in their history, the Jewish people could not provide stability for themselves. The Romans could not decide on a constitutional status for the Jewish nation. It was a problem in their empire. The Jewish people were subordinate people. They had a strong cultural tradition. They hesitated to impose direct rule. They did work with a local strong man who was attached to Rome. This person could deal with the subjects as far as their own law and custom. This man could be rewarded and contained if successful. This person could also be replaced if he failed. 
Judea was placed under the new province of Syria. It was ruled by a Govenor in Antioch. A king became the local authority. They were durable and ruthless. Herod seized the Judean throne in 43 BC. He was granted Roman approval and protection. Rome preferred to deal with Herod. In fact after his death, Herod's three sons received part of their father's kingdom. The three sons were Archelaus, Herod Philip and Herod Antipas.
At first, life under Herod was great. There were large and rich Jewish colonies. These included Alexandria, Antioch, Tarsus and Ephesus. There was a large and rich Jewish colony in Rome. The Roman Empire gave the Jewish people economic opportunity and freedom of movement for goods and persons. The Roman government knew they had Herod in their corner. 
But to the Jewish people, Herod was suspect. Some people did not recognize him as a Jew. He had a violent private life. 

research help: ' A History of Christianity' by Paul Johnson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 8

 Columbine page 8 by ric gustafson

At 11:18 am, Eric Harris was worried. The bombs had not gone off as planned. He ran and got Dylan. The two ran into the school. They ran up some external stairs to the west exit. The time was 11:19 am. The two teens opened their duffel bags and took out their shotguns. They began firing.
Eric began firing outside the school. In some nearby grass, Rachel Scott was hit in the head and chest. She died instantly. Eating lunch with Rachel was Richard Castaldo. He was hit in the arms and torso. Three friends were walking toward the stairs. A student named Danny was hit in the chest, abdomen and left knee. Lance Kiaklin was hit in the chest, leg, knee and foot. Sean Graves was hit. Someone propped him up at the entrance to the cafeteria. At one point during the shooting, Dylan actually stepped over Sean in order to open the cafeteria door. 
When Dylan opened the cafeteria door, students fled. Some of the students tried to hide under the cafeteria tables. Some of the students ran for the nearby stairs.
At that moment, Coach Sanders ran in from a nearby faculty lounge. He yelled for students to run up some stairs from the ' commons' to the second floor. When Dylan stepped over Sean Graves and opened the cafeteria door, at least 100 students were on the staircase trying to get up to the second floor of the school. But for some reason, Dylan did not fire. Up to that point, Dylan had only fired his shotgun five times. He quickly left the cafeteria to rejoin Eric. The time was 11:23 am.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 7

 Columbine page 7 by ric gustafson

That Tuesday, both teens were up early. The morning was dark and warm. The teens missed bowling class. They went to a grocery store to buy propane tanks. The tanks were to be used for the big bombs. By 7:00 am, Eric and Dylan were ready to put their plan into action. Robyn Anderson noticed that Dylan did not show up for calculus. Brooks Brown noticed Eric did not show up for a psychology test.
Right before 11:00 am, Judgment Day began. The two teens set up a decoy bomb near Eric's house to go off at 11:14 am. That day, Dylan wore cargo pants, a black t shirt and a Red Sox ballcap. Eric wore a t shirt and black combat boots. 
As the teens drove toward Columbine High School, they knew they did not have much time. They wanted to plant their big bombs when the lunch hour began at 11:10 am. When the lunch hour began, they had to carry their bombs in, put them under certain pillars and quickly get back out. Dylan parked in the Senior lot. From here, he could kill whoever would be running from the first floor and the library. Eric parked in the junior lot. From there, he could kill anyone coming from the student entrance.
Shortly after 11:14 am, the teens entered the ' commons' and set their bombs. They were set to go off at 11:17 am. The teens quickly left and went back outside. They went back to their cars. They patiently waited for Judgment Day to begin.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thank You: generosity

 Thank You: generosity by ric gustafson

To be generous is a beautiful attribute. God is generous to us. God wants us to be generous to others. When we receive blessings from God, he wants us to bless others. To start being generous, we just need to do it once. When we do, we will reap the benefits. Being thankful makes us happier, we get better sleep and it makes us healthier. Thankful people want to give. 
In Luke 19, Zacchaeus was a tax collector. Society hated him. He grew tired of how he was living. He wanted to see Jesus. When he finally met Jesus, he wanted to go to Zacchaeus,s house. Zacchaeus was so thankful for that he became generous with his money. Esther and Nehemiah are two more examples of people were filled with gratitude which led to generosity.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 22

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 22 by ric gustafson

Jesus raised his head. He looked at Pilate.
" Why don't you answer me?". He stared at Jesus. " I have the power to crucify you".
Jesus did not say a word.
" I also have the power to release you".
" You could have no power over me at all unless it was given to you from above".
Pilate again addressed the ever growing crowd. " This punishment this man has had is enough".
Someone yelled. " If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar".
Pilate sat down on the Judgment Seat. " Behold your King".
" Crucify him".
" What, shall I crucify your King?".
" We have no King but Caesar".
Pilate shook his head in frustration. He clapped his hands for a servant. " Bring me a basin of water".
Shortly, the servant came back with the basin.
Pilate dipped his fingers into the water. He stared at the crowd. " I am innocent of the blood of this man".
Someone yelled. " May his blood be on us and our children".
Pilate pointed to Flavius. The centurion walked over to the Roman Govenor.
" Gather four of your best soldiers and wait for my orders".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Thank You: taking our blessings for granted

Thank You: taking our blessings for granted by ric gustafson

Taking our blessings for granted is a mistake. We need to thank God that we can walk, talk, see and hear. We take our abilities for granted. They are blessings. We need to thank God. When we thank God for our blessings, we will have joy. 
Ephesians 5 says give thanks for all things to God the Father. God knows our needs. God works through people. We need to thank God daily. God is with us at all times. God promises never to leave us. We need to focus on the positive not the negative. Romans 8 says all things work together for good. 
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 21

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 21 by ric gustafson

Pilate pointed at Flavius. " Take this Jesus into the inner courtyard and scourge him".
" Govenor, I do not disobey orders". He frowned. " I do not want to be in charge of this task".
Pilate pointed at Maeiminus Rausticius. " Will you perform this task?".
" Yes Govenor".
After a period of time, two soldiers dragged a half dead Jesus back into the Hall. 
Pilate was sitting in his Judgment Seat.
Jesus was still wearing his own clothes. He had a makeshift crown of thorns that had been roughly put on top of this head.
Flavius frowned. He could not believe what they had just done to him.
Jesus was propped up. Pilate walked over and now stood next to the broken man.
Flavius walked over and now flanked the other two.
Pilate looked at the crowd. " Behold the man".
" Crucify him crucify him".
Pilate stared at the crowd. " I find no fault in him". 
" Crucify him".
" You crucify him".
Someone yelled. " By our law, he ought to die".
Someone else yelled. " He made himself the Son of God".
This troubled Pilate. He pointed to Flavius. Jesus was led to the Judgment Seat.
" Where do you come from?".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 18, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 20

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 20 by ric gustafson

Flavius led Jesus into the Hall of Judgment. Pilate was sitting on the Judgment seat. Pilate was handed a folded note. It was from his wife. She warned him to have nothing to do with this Jesus.
Outside the Praetorium, the crowd was getting worse by the minute.
Pilate walked outside. " You have brought this man to me". He now faced the angry crowd. " I have examined him and find no fault in him". He gave the crowd a serious stare. " I will chastise him and let him go".
" Traitor" the crowd yelled.
The Roman Govenor looked at the crowd for some compassion. " There is a custom that I release a prisoner during Passover week". Jesus had now joined him. " Should I release the King of the Jews?". He grinned. " Or should I release Barabbas?". Pilate was hoping it was Jesus they would release. " Which of the two should I release?".
" Barabbas" the crowd yelled. 
The Roman Govenor held up a hand to silence the crowd. " And what shall I do with Jesus of Nazareth?".
" Crucify him".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Jesus: Luke 22:19

 Jesus: Luke 22:19 by ric gustafson

All life needs food. The heavenly life must be heavenly food. Jesus is the Bread of Life. Jesus is our heavenly food. Jesus our heavenly food comes to us in the Word and the Lord's Supper. The Word supports us by our thoughts. The Supper is from the Lord. The Lord's Supper can change our body and make it like Jesus's. Our body is fed with his holy body and renewed by the working of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord's Supper is deep inward union with Jesus. It teaches forgiveness of sins and the remembrance of Jesus. It is the oneness with Jesus through the Spirit. The Supper is a spiritual act. We must prepare for the Lord's Supper. 

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 19

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 19 by ric gustafson

Herod Antipas was lying on a cushion. He was being fanned by a servant. Another servant came in and whispered something into his ear. He smiled. Pilate the Roman Govenor was sending over someone he had wanted to meet for a long time. He had been hearing a lot of things concerning this Rabbi from Galilee. He was performing miracles and called himself a King. He wanted to see this Rabbi perform a miracle.
Flavius led Jesus into a hall. Herod now stared a silent Jesus. The young man's face was bruised and swollen from physical abuse. He was standing because Flavius was holding Jesus up.
" I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time". Herod stood up from his cushion. " I hear you perform miracles".
Jesus stayed silent. He did not look at Herod.
" Please perform a miracle for me".
Jesus remained silent.
" Just one". Herod grinned. " That is all I ask".
Jesus remained silent.
" So you won't perform a miracle for me". Anger came over Herod's face. " I believe a King needs a robe".
Jesus remained silent.
A servant returned with a robe of different colors. The servant put the robe on Jesus.
" Here is a robe fit for a King". 
Soldiers bowed down and mocked Jesus. 
After a while, Herod got tired of their game.
" Take the robe off him". Herod fell back onto his cushion. " Take him back to Pilate".
Flavius led Jesus out of the hall.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 15, 2024

Thank You: saying thank you

 Thank You: saying thank you by ric gustafson

The mouth is physically small. It can cause immense damage. We can use our words for good or evil. I Peter 3 says to keep our tongues from evil. We need to keep our tongues from evil and negative speech. To control our tongue, we need God's help. Our words and thoughts must be acceptable to God. Our words are the power of life and death. 
The book of Proverbs talks about the proper and improper use of our words. Gratitude can increase our happiness. The power of thank you improves our life. We can focus on the positive in life not the negative. Gratitude can help our health. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 17

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 17 by ric gustafson

On Sept 1 1886, Margaret Tobin and James Joseph Brown were married. They were married by Father Henry Robinson. Margaret was 19 JJ Brown was 32. Most of Margaret's family came. Their reception was at Evergreen Lakes. Their brief honeymoon was also at Evergreen Lakes. 
At first, they stayed in town. Eventually, they moved into a cabin closer to the mines. Life in Stumpftown was close knit. The community was named after Joseph Stumpf. He was an engineer for the Ibex Mining Company. Life in Stumpftown was not easy. There was only one dirt road. Buildings had no foundations. There were no sidewalks. Rooms were lined with newspapers. Groceries and supplies came from Leadville. There was only one pump for water.
Margaret began lessons in reading and literature. She also studied music, piano and singing. Margaret had her first child on August 30 1887. He was named Lawrence Palmer Brown. The Brown family moved to 322 West Seventh Street in Leadville. They lived close to the Landrigans and Daniel Tobin.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Margaret Tobin Brown page 16

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 16 by ric gustafson

Margaret did not know it but someone from afar had noticed her. James Joseph Brown had met the auburn haired Irish girl at a Catholic picnic. He was smitten. He was born on Sept 27 1854 to immigrant parents. 
He worked on a farm in Nebraska. From there, he moved to the Black Hills to work in the mines. In 1882, James moved to Leadville. He began to work for mining moguls David Moffat and Elen Smith.
James met Margaret at a Catholic church picnic in May or June 1886. Margaret thought James was personable and had many friends. He wasn't wealthy but had a steady job. She agreed to date him. He picked her up in a two horse carriage. They had much in common. Both of them loved theatre and dancing. Now Margaret had a problem. She wanted to marry a rich man. James Brown was not. She followed her heart. She married James Joseph Brown on Sept 1 1886.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Thank You: joyful in our trials

 Thank You: joyful in our trials by ric gustafson

According to James 1, we should be joyful in our trials. What comes from that is perseverance or endurance. Endurance is the ability to remain spiritually mature even when we are hurting. To have gratitude, we need to experience a difficult and painful life. We already have the victory. Romans 8 tells us that we are more than conquerors. This can give us hope with the difficulties of life. In faith, we have victory. 
Some of our trials and tribulations in life are a test of faith. We are being tested on our faith and spiritual maturity. Either we grow stronger or recognize our weaknesses. If we pass these tests, we will be rewarded. In this life we face difficulties and blessings. The truth is Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 18

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 18 by ric gustafson

Pilate stared at Jesus. " Are you a King?".
" You say rightly that I am a King, for this reason I was born and came into this world". Jesus stared intently at Pilate. " Everyone of the truth hears my voice".
Pilate was silent. He looked at Flavius. He wasn't sure what to say next. He heard the growing mob outside. He knew this prisoner was no threat. He knew he had to appease the mob outside. He looked again at Jesus. " What is truth?".
Before Jesus could answer, Pilate walked back up the steps to the open balcony. He now faced a growing hostile crowd. " I find no fault in him at all".
Someone in the crowd shouted. " He stirs up the people".
Another person shouted. " He teaches all over Judea starting from Galilee".
Pilate gave the crowd a startled look. " Is this man a Galilean?". He glanced at Flavius.
" Centurion, take this prisoner to Herod".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Christianity page 2

 Christianity page 2 by ric gustafson

When Jesus Christ came on the scene, the Roman republic encompassed the entire Mediterranean theatre. Roman law could be brutal and relentless. Roman law was quiet until there was unrest, complaints or riots. Then there was warnings. If these warnings went unheeded, Roman law was swift and through until silence occured.
Rome was tolerant toward Hellenism and Judaism. The world was ready for Christianity. It was waiting for God. But which God were the people going to serve?. There were Gods from Babylon, Persia, Egypt. There were tribal and national cults. These deities changed their names and aligned with each other.  By the time of Jesus, there were hundreds of thousands of these cults. At this time, a new form of religious community started. It was a voluntary group of people coming together as individuals before their God. 
Now there was a tendency toward monotheism. There was no stability. The religious scene was moving and progressing. 
The Jewish people had a god. It was thee God. Judaism was an interior religion which pressed closely and heavily on the individual. The people were burdened with injunctions and prohibitions. The Jewish state did succumb to empires but its religious expression survived. Judaism was greater than the sum of it's parts. In the book of Daniel were the writings of the Maccabean brothers. In 165 BC, the brothers seized Jerusalem and cleansed the Temple of Greek impurities. The book of Daniel foretells the fall of empires through the agency of God not man. After the Maccabean revolt, the Jews had kings who were also high priests. 

research help: ' A History of Christianity' by Paul Johnson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Christianity page 1

 Christianity page 1 by ric gustafson

The story of Christianity starts in the first century AD. It very likely started in AD 49. Paul of Tarsus traveled from Antioch to Jerusalem. There he met the surviving followers of Jesus of Nazareth. This Apostolic Conference was the first political act in the history of Christianity. 
We have two accounts of this event. One account was from Paul himself in a letter he wrote to the congregation in Galatia. The second account comes from eye witness accounts that were written in the Acts of the Apostles. This was written by Luke. The report stated that a dispute happened between Paul and certain people in Jerusalem and Judea regarding the Jewish ritual of circumcision. Paul along with Barnabas decided to travel to Jerusalem to talk with the apostles and elders.
This meeting was a mixed reception. They were welcomed by the church and the apostles and elders. But there was those who insisted that Paul was wrong. That all converts must be circumcized and that they must keep the Jewish law of Moses. Peter supported Paul. 
It was decided that Paul and Barnabas would go back to Antioch with a Jerusalem delegation bearing a letter. The letter stated a compromise. Converts did not need to submit to circumcision. But they had to observe Jewish law in matters of diet and sexual conduct. This was approved by everyone. 
Paul's version of events was different but the fact remained. This was the first major decision of Christianity. Jesus's church had begun. 

research help: ' A History of Christianity' by Paul Johnson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 17

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 17 by ric gustafson

Flavius led Jesus up the steps. Then they went through the entrance door of the Praetorium. Then Flavius led Jesus into a small room off to the right.
From the balcony, Pilate walked down some steps into a sparsely furnished room. He walked up to the centurion and the prisoner. He saw before him a tired young man who had already suffered much physical and emotional abuse. The young man did not look like a King.
Pilate stared at Jesus. " Are you the King of the Jews?".
" Are you speaking for yourself or did others tell you concerning me?".
" Am I a Jew?". A mad look came over Pilate's face. " Your own nation and chief priests have delivered you to me".
Jesus stared at Pilate. " My Kingdom is not of this world".
The Roman Govenor could not believe what he was hearing.
" If my Kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thank You: gratitude and contentment

 Thank You: gratitude and contentment by ric gustafson

The Apostle Paul was a thankful man. He was satisfied with his life. He was content with a little or a lot. Gratitude and contentment go hand in hand. Grumbling and discontentment also go hand in hand. So why sometimes are we dissatisfied?. 
Discontentment is part of our old nature. When we are born again, God gives us a new nature. Even though we gave our lives to Jesus, sin is not dead to us. We are still tempted. When we are tempted, we can tell evil to go away. Satan tries to make us discontent. Satan wants to keep us weak. 
Are we satisfied with what God has given us?. Jesus died for us. He took all of our punishment. He rose again from the dead so we can live with him forever. 
I pray that we will be totally satsified with what Jesus has given us. Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 11, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 16

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 16 by ric gustafson

Flavius led Jesus to the entrance of the Praetorium. He could not take the prisoner inside because of Rabbinical tradition. The Sanhedrin had to see Pilate outside the residence. 
The Roman Govenor all of a sudden appeared on a balcony above them. He looked tired.
Pilate stared at those below him. " What accusation do you have against this man?".
Someone yelled. " If he were not an evildoer, we would not have delivered him to you".
" You take him and judge him according to your law".
Someone yelled. " It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death".
Pilate could tell the situation was already starting to get out of hand.
Someone yelled. " We found this person perverting the nation".
Pilate knew this was not true.
Someone yelled. " He does not pay taxes to Caesar".
Pilate knew that charge would not stick.
" He calls himself a King".
A worried look came over Pilate's face. " Bring him inside". He frowned. " I will examine him myself".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 15

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 15 by ric gustafson

Judas stood outside the hall. He looked around the corner and saw what was happening. He heard Caiaphas the chief priest condemn the man he had betrayed. Judas began to realize the enormity of what he had done. He had betrayed an innocent man. Holding the sack containing the thirty pieces of silver, he knew what he had to do.
After Flavius led Jesus out of the hall, Judas walked in. Then he walked up to the chief priest.
" I have sinned by betraying innocent blood".
" What is that to us?". Caiaphas pointed a finger at Judas. " You see to it".
Frustrated, Judas threw the sack of coins at Caiaphas's feet. Then he stormed out.
Flavius later learned that he had gone and hanged himself.
Caiaphas picked up the sack. " It is not lawful to put this into the treasury". He frowned. " They are the price of blood".
It was decided to use the money to buy the potter's field.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 8, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 14

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 14 by ric gustafson

Flavius was sitting outside the small dungeon cell. He closed his eyes briefly to rest. The cell was down in the basement of his boss's house. He looked over and noticed that his prisoner was sitting in a corner of the cell with his eyes closed. It looked like he was praying. He was beginning to have admiration for the prisoner. After watching the healing of Caiaphas's servant's ear and how he was handling the physical and emotional abuse. Flavius was beginning to see the prisoner in a different light.
After a few hours of sleep, Flavius was awakened by one of Caiaphas's servants. 
" You're wanted upstairs with the prisoner".
He bounded Jesus's hands. With growing sympathy, he did not tighten the rope as much as he could. He led Jesus upstairs to the hall they were at the night before. He put Jesus in front of his accusers.
One of the members stood up. " Are you the Christ?".
Jesus stared at his accusers. " If I tell you you will not believe and if I ask you you will not answer or let me go". He looked at the one who accused him. " The Son of Man will sit on the right hand of the power of God".
Another member stood up. " Are you then the Son of God?".
Jesus stared at his accuser. " You rightly say that I am".
A member stood up. " What more testimony do we need?".
Caiaphas stood up. " This trial is closed".
He pointed at Flavius. " Take this prisoner to Govenor Pontius Pilate".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macathur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 13

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 13 by ric gustafson

A witness spoke up. " I heard him say I am able to destroy the Temple of God and to build it in three days".
This is what Caiaphas had been waiting for.
Another witness spoke up. " I also heard him say I will destroy this Temple made with hands and in three days I will build another made without hands".
Jesus was silent and had his head down.
" Do you not answer?". Caiaphas stared at the so called king. " What is this these men testify against you?".
Jesus lifted his head.
" Under oath, tell us if you are the Christ the Son of God?".
" I am".
The assembled murmured.
" It is as you said". Jesus spoke in a quiet voice. " You will see the Son of God sitting at the right hand of God and coming in the clouds of heaven".
After hearing this, Caiaphas tore his clothes. He yelled and banged a fist on a table. " You've heard the blasphemy". He gave the seventy an angry look. " What do you think?".
" He deserves death".
Some of the seventy walked up and spit on Jesus. Someone blindfolded Jesus. Some of the seventy struck Jesus. They asked Jesus who had struck him.
Throughout all of the physical abuse, Jesus did not retaliate.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Jesus: Mark 14:22-23

 Jesus: Mark 14:22-23 by ric gustafson

Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it. This was feeding with the body of Christ. He gave it to them. He said take eat this is my body. This feeding on the side of the Lord by the Spirit and by faith. According to Scripture, our bodies become members of his body. The Spirit gives us to drink the life power of his blood. Jesus's blood becomes the life and the joy of our soul. The bread is in the body. The cup is in the blood. We are united soul and body with our Jesus.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thank You: Thankfulness

 Thank You: Thankfulness by ric gustafson

God does a lot for us. We need to be thankful. Even if the circumstance is not pleasant, we still need to be thankful. Our blessings always outweigh our troubles. We create problems when we take things for granted. Expressing gratitude is good for us. When we are focused on blessings instead of problems, we have joy and contentment.
In the story of Jesus and the ten lepers, only one came back to thank him. Giving thanks shows spiritual maturity. We are not born thankful people. Jesus gives us peace, grace, hope and mercy. The Apostle Paul always reminded people to be thankful. Paul was the Apostle of thanksgiving. Paul experienced grace and mercy from God. Paul never stopped being grateful. 

research help: ' The Power of Thank You' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 4, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 15

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 15 by ric gustafson

A young man named Jack Landrigan fell in love with Margaret's half sister Mary Ann. He tried to convince her that big opportunities were in Colorado. In the fall of 1883, Jack, Mary Ann and Mary Ann's half brother Daniel took a train to Denver. From Denver, they took a train to Leadville. There, Jack opened a blacksmith shop. Jack and Mary Anne joined an Irish Catholic community in Leadville. Jack and Mary Anne eventually had 11 children. In late 1885, Daniel moved to Leadville. In spring 1886, Margaret moved to Leadville. Margaret would visit Hannibal many more times in her life.
Leadville Colorado was on the western slope of the Mosquito Range. The city was 10,152 feet above sea level. In the late 1870's, silver bearing lead ore or carbonate was refined and shipped back east for refining. By 1880, Leadville was the most important mining center in Colorado. In 1880, the Irish were the largest ethnic group in Leadville. In the spring of 1886, Margaret and her sister Helen arrived in Leadville Colorado. Margaret right away found a job in a boardinghouse. One myth about Margaret was that she became a saloon girl. She moved in with her brother Daniel. He was busy learning the mining business. Eventually, Margaret found a job with the May Company. She worked in the carpet and drapery department. 

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

spiritual warfare: live like a winner

 spiritual warfare: live like a winner by ric gustafson

So how do we resist the devil?. Are we facing temptation from Satan or being tested by God?. If you give in to these thoughts? are you getting closer to God or farther away from him?. 
Satan tempts everyone. His temptations are well aimed. We need the right focus. How do we resist temptation?. We need to draw near to God. Our hearts need to be cleansed. We need to humble ourselves. Battle with Satan is a wrestling match. We need to fight Satan with God's Word. 

The End.

research help: ' Reclaiming Surrendered Ground' by Jim Logan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 12

 Flavius Artemis the centurion page 12 by ric gustafson

Flavius held tightly onto the rope. He was leading Jesus across an open courtyard toward Caiaphas's house. As he led the Rabbi across the dark courtyard, he noticed a coal fire in a corner. He noticed two men standing near it. One was big and burly. He looked like a fisherman. He looked familiar to Flavius. The centurion could not remember where he had seen him.
Jesus was led into a large meeting hall. Caiaphas noticed the two walk in. He raised his hand to silence the seventy men behind him. Caiaphas studied the man now in front of him. His head was down. He was silent. He was in a tattered cloak. His face was swollen from being struck. This so called King was now standing in front of Caiaphas. 
He was ready to examine him.
He smiled at Jesus. " Let us begin".
Several people came forward and hurled accusations at Jesus.
Caiaphas knew none of these accusations could be used against him. And then, the last two to accuse him came forward.

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by James Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 3, 2024

spiritual warfare: pride

spiritual warfare: pride by ric gustafson

Satan loves to use pride in his attacks on us. In God's universe, pride is the original sin. Satan had pride in his exalted position. Using pride, he wanted more. Pride originated in heaven. Satan had pride in his heart. God judged Satan for what was in his heart. A stronghold starts with lies. God hates pride. 
How do we deal with pride?. We must recognize God's grace. We must accept God's grace with humility. When we have pride, God withholds spiritual power. After pride, comes a fall. We must submit to God. We must resist Satan. It's either God's way or my way?. Which do we choose?.
For me it is God's way. Why?. Because God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Reclaiming Surrendered Ground' by Jim Logan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Columbine page 6

 Columbine page 6 by ric gustafson

From a site called ' the Anarchist Cookbook', Eric Harris devised a bomb. It was a barbecue design with propane tanks. These tanks packed twenty pounds of high explosive gas. In the meantime, Eric had his Judgment Day all planned out. First, he and Dylan would detonate two bombs in the ' commons' during the lunch hour. Eric's hope was to kill as many students as possible. The bombs would be brought in inside 2 duffel bags. They would place them next to pillars in the cafeteria. That way both bombs would cause massive death on both floors of the school.
Then the teens would use a 9mm handgun, a shotgun and a 9mm carbine to kill as many students who would be trying to escape. Eric decided it was best for the two to wear black trench coats to hide their weapons. 
Eric and Dylan had been planning the attack for at least a year and a half. They had planned the attack on Monday April 19. That day was scrubbed because Eric was waiting for ammo. It was decided to do it on Tuesday April 20 1999.

research help: ' Columbine' by Dave Cullen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 2, 2024

spiritual warfare: to get right

 spiritual warfare: to get right by ric gustafson

In the Christian faith there are two things you must have. That is faith and a good conscience. The Apostle Paul asked Timothy to wage the good warfare. We are to be on our spiritual guard. Timothy was serving God in Ephesus. This church was a hot bed for false teachings. To fight a good spiritual fight, we need a good conscience. We need to clear our conscience. We need to let go of the past. We need a clear conscience, a pure heart and genuine faith. Painful memories leave scars. 
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Reclaiming Surrendered Ground' by Jim Logan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis the centurion page 11

 Flavius Artemis the centurion  page 11 by ric gustafson

Annas was resting on some big cushions. A servant walked in. " Sire, someone very important is coming".
Annas began munching on a grape. " Who is that?".
" Remember that Rabbi from Galilee". His voice hesitated. " The one who caused all that trouble in the Temple".
Annas winced. A lot of his wealth came from license fees he charged the moneychangers. This Rabbi made a whip and turned over the moneychangers tables. He lost a lot of money that day.
Flavius led Jesus by a rope into the torch lit room. Annas could not believe who he was looking at. The young bearded man in front of him was in tattered clothes and he looked like he had been roughed up by soldiers.
Annas smiled. " Tell me about your doctrine and your disciples?".
" Why do you ask me?". Jesus stared at Annas. " Ask those who have heard me?".
One of the soldiers struck Jesus. " Do you answer the high priest like that?".
" If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil". Jesus turned toward the soldier who struck him. " But if well, why do you strike me?".
After a time of trying to get some answers from Jesus, Annas motioned for Flavius.
" Take him through the courtyard to Caiaphas's house".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 1, 2024

spiritual warfare: unforgiveness and bitterness

 spiritual warfare: unforgiveness and bitterness by ric gustafson

God's Word is filled with God forgiving people. Forgiveness is one of the central themes of his Word. One of Satan's tricks is unforgiveness. It is hard for us to be forgiven by God and also harbor unforgiveness in our heart. Unforgiveness and bitterness hurts our relationship with God and others. It opens us up for Satan's attacks. We are forgiven people. We need to forgive others. Christians don't like to admit they are bitter. Bitterness is a weed. It needs to be pulled and thrown away. 
Christians suffer but now alone. Jesus is there to help us. We need to identify and release the bitterness. We need to forgive from the heart. We need to choose to forgive.
Jesus loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Reclaiming Surrendered Ground' by Jim Logan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric