Tuesday, August 1, 2023

First Ladies: Abigail Adams

 First Ladies: Abigail Adams by ric gustafson

Abigail Adams was a rebellious girl. She lacked a formal education. She read everything she could get her hands on. By 17, she was a well educated woman. 
John Adams was a Harvard graduate who wanted a career in law. Adams was smitten with Abigail and called her ' Miss Adorable'. He began to write her love letters. They were married in 1764 and kept their love letters going. Adams traveled as a lawyer. He represented Massachusetts at meetings of the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. While Adams was away, Abigail raised four children and kept the family farm going. She managed their household, their finances and everything else. She homeschooled their children including John Quincy. She also dealt with tragedy with the death of their baby daughter.
Abigail wrote letters to John as he worked on the Declaration of Independence. In 1785, Adams became minister to Great Britain. Abigail joined him. When John Adams became President, Abigail was by his side. She was calm, optimistic and always happy. 
Abigail Adams died at age 73 of typhoid fever. She did not get to see her son John Quincy become our 6th President. President Andrew Jackson's wife Rachel died before he was inaugurated. He never remarried. President Martin Van Buren's wife Hannah died in 1819. He never remarried. President James Buchanan never married. President Chester Arthur's wife Ellen died two years before he became President.

research help: ' America's First Ladies' by Kathleen Krull

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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