Monday, August 14, 2023

3/30/1981 page 1

 3/30/1981 page 1 by ric gustafson

On Sunday March 29 1981, President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy were walking to church. The day was bright and warm. The Reagan's walked through the White House gate and then across Pennsylvania Avenue. Trailed by Secret Service agents, the Reagan's began to walk through Lafayette Square.
Their destination was St John's Church. The church, on the north side of the square, was designed by the same people who rebuilt the White House and the Capitol after the War of 1812. The church was nicknamed ' The Church of the Presidents'.
After the service, the Reagan's hurried back to their official residence. Reagan had only been in office for two months. He was busy with a political and a legislative agenda. Reagan knew that tomorrow March 30 was going to be a light day. The only event on his schedule was a twenty minute speech to a trade union.

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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