Sunday, August 27, 2023

God's Word: Numbers

 God's Word: Numbers by ric gustafson

This book is attributed to Moses. The date of this book is 1400 BC. This book is about faithless Israelites who wandered 40 years in the Sinai wilderness. This book starts with a census. The Israelites numbered 603,550 men. This did not include the Levites. Their journey was only two hundred miles. But it will take them decades to walk. 
Why this long of a journey?. The people constantly complained about food and water. They rebelled against Moses. They were hesitant to enter Canaan. God decreed that the generation going on the journey would die in the wilderness. A new generation would enter the promised land.

research help: ' Know Your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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