Monday, August 28, 2023

the Great Oz page 11

 the Great Oz page 11 by ric gustafson

Oscar and Finley stopped walking at the top of a hill. Smoke was coming from a village down below.
" What do you make of that village Finley?".
" I don't know". The monkey frowned. " It doesn't look good".
As they began to walk into the burned out village, the ground they walked on felt like broken china. They walked into a china shop.
Oscar picked up a piece of porcelain. He looked at it. He recoiled in fear. A face was staring at him.
" Help me".
Oscar glanced around. " Where is the rest of you?".
" That broken china doll in the corner".
Oscar walked over and picked up the broken china doll. She had white china hair, a white and blue dress and sad eyes. Oscar found some glue and put the porcelain piece back on the doll's head.
The china doll smiled. " Thank you Wizard".
Oscar frowned. " You know me".
China doll's eyes grew wide. " You are the Wizard aren't you".
" I am".
China doll slowly got up. She began to walk around the room.
" You can walk".
" Yes Wizard I can". The doll smiled. " Please let me come with you".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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