Monday, August 14, 2023

World's Greatest Book page 2

 World's Greatest Book page 2 by ric gustafson

The Bible is the most loved and the most loathed book. The word ' bible' comes from the Greek word ' biblion. Biblion means scroll or book. The bible or biblia refered to a specific collection of writings that were deemed sacred. Other names for the bible include Scripture, Holy Writ, the Word of God and the Good Book. 
The Hebrew Bible contains 24 books divided into three categories. The five books of Moses known as the Torah. The 8 books of the Prophets. The 11 books of the Writings. All of these books are known as the Tanakh. 
The Protestant Bible contains the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible. It is divided into two parts for a total of 39 books. The first part is called the Old Testament. The word ' Testament' means ' covenant' or ' agreement'. 
Christians added 27 more books in the mid to late first century. These books became known as the New Testament.
So why call the Bible the world's greatest book?. We read on.

research help: ' The World's Greatest Book' by Lawrence Schiffman and Jerry Pattengale

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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