Thursday, August 24, 2023

3/30/1981 page 6

 3/30/1981 page 6 by ric gustafson

President Reagan started working in the Oval Office shortly after 8:50 am. The room where the presidential universe happens pretty much stayed the same since Jimmy Carter left it. The room contained a large brown oval carpet. There was two striped couches and two large armchairs. There was a domed ceiling. There was a portrait of George Washington above the fireplace. The presidential desk w as made out of timbers from the H.M.S. Resolute. Reagan had added some personal things to the Oval Office. There were several family photos around the room. There was a glass container of jelly beans on a coffee table.
Then, Reagan's top three advisors came in for a morning staff meeting. Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver was close to the President. He was 42 and his office was next to the Oval Office. Counselor Edwin Meese III was 49 and part of Reagan's California inner circle. Meese was also close to Reagan. Chief of Staff James Baker III was from Texas. He was shrewd, smooth, disciplined and detail oriented. Before the staff meeting, the three ate breakfast together. 
Agent Parr stopped to talk with Agent Guy. He asked him a question.
" I'd like to work the President today". He smiled. " I need to get to know him better".
" Not a problem". Agent Guy grinned. " I hope everything goes well at the Washington Hilton this afternoon".

research help: ' Rawhide Down' by Del Quentin Wilber

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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