Tuesday, August 29, 2023

the Great Oz page 12

 the Great Oz page 12 by ric gustafson

Oscar, Finley and China Girl quietly walked out of the Dark Forest. They stopped at a rusty fence. Just inside the fence were tombstones. Around the tombstones were bent and gnarled trees. 
" Hold me Wizard". China Girl began to cry. " I'm scared".
Oscar smiled. " I'll hold you".
China Girl grinned as she got into Oscar's protective arms.
Just then, they heard someone approach the rusty gate. The person was wearing a black hooded cloak. The person was holding a flower basket.
The three silently hid behind a broken down cart.
The cloaked figure put a wand by the fence. The figure then began to put flowers into the basket.
China Girl pointed. " Wizard, they put their wand next to the fence".
Oscar gently put China Girl down. He stood up. He quietly walked up to the fence where the wand sat.
The hooded figure kept putting flowers into the basket.
Just as Oscar was about to pick up the wand, He stepped on a large stick.
" Are you the Wizard?".

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful' by Mitchell Kapner

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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