Monday, July 31, 2023

First Ladies: Martha Washington

 First Ladies: Martha Washington by ric gustafson

Martha Washington was the First Lady. She was smart, brave and compassionate. She was a patriot. She was part of the revolution that created the United States of America. She always stayed true to the American Revolution's spirit. 
She was brought up wealhy. She was skilled at riding horses. She was taught at an early age to read and write. When she was 26, her first husband died. She was left with 17,500 acres of land and nearly 300 slaves. When she met George Washington, Martha was wealthy. 
She married George in 1759. He was a military leader in the French and Indian War. And in Virginia, he was a political leader. He was kind to Martha's two children. In 1775, Washington became Commander in Chief of the Colonial Army. The American Revolution lasted eight years. 
After Washington became President, they moved to New York City in 1789. Then they moved to a mansion in Philadelphia. This became the temporary capital of the country. 
Martha and George moved to Mount Vernon in 1797. George died in 1799. Martha could not bounce back following his death. Martha Washington died in 1801 at age 70.
Abigail Adams described Martha Washington as modest, unassuming and dignified.

research help: ' America's First Ladies' by Kathleen Krull

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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