Friday, August 18, 2023

World's Greatest Book page 3

 World's Greatest Book page 3 by ric gustafson

So why call the Bible the ' World's Greatest Book'. The Bible is controversial. Some of the passages are not easy to read or understand. Scripture has been used for positive social change. Many people have perished defending and distributing the Bible. The Bible has had an influence on Western Culture. The Bible has altered our language. 
The Bible is history's best selling book. The Bible is meant to be a book for everyone. It is for the faithful and the faithless. The Bible has played a significant role in human civilization. God's Word is a fascinating story that includes everything. 
Let us start at the beginning of this beautiful story we call the ' World's Greatest Book'.

research help: ' The World's Greatest Book' by Lawrence Schiffman and Jerry Pattengale

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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