Tuesday, August 22, 2023

God's Word: Exodus

 God's Word: Exodus by ric gustafson

The author of this book is attributed to Moses. The date of this book is mid 1400s BC. In this book, God delivers his people the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. When Joseph dies, a new pharaoh sees the Israelites as a threat. He makes them his slaves. God hears their cries and moans. God sends Moses as their deliverer. Moses demands the Israelites be released from Pharaoh. Pharaoh refuses. God sends ten plagues. The last one is the death of every firstborn child. Pharoah finally told Moses and the Israelites to leave. At Mount Sinai, God delivers the Ten Commandments. The book ends with the people continuing on their journey to the promised land.
The book of Exodus is about redemption. Jesus breaks our bonds of sin.

research help: ' Know your Bible' by Barbour Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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