Wednesday, February 9, 2022

paid in full page 7

 paid in full page 7 by ric gustafson

As Gabriel and the young angel watched, the disciples asked Jesus a question. " Just who are you Jesus?".
" I am Jesus son of Joseph child of Mary".
Simon spoke up. " Please tell us who you really are?".
" And you Simon". Jesus stared at the former fisherman. " Who do you think I am?".
" You are the long awaited one". He smiled. " The Messiah".
" Blessed are you Simon". Jesus's voice hesitated. " From this day, you are Peter the Rock".
" I am a sinner". Peter began to cry. " I am not worthy".
" On you, my church will stand or stumble".

research help: ' The Gospel of Gabriel' by Edward Hays

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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