Saturday, February 5, 2022

paid in full page 5

 paid in full page 5 by ric gustafson

Gabriel and the young angel listened as Jesus finished his parable. He smiled at the crowd that had gathered. They were stunned at the image he used for the kingdom. Their eyes were filled with questions. Soon the crowd departed. Jesus was still standing on Simon's boat.
" Simon, let me return the favor of using your boat". Jesus smiled at the fisherman. " Let's go fishing".
" We've fished all night and caught nothing". Simon gave Jesus a puzzled stare. " As you wish, so let it be done".
" Push off into the deep". Simon stared at his brother. " Lower the nets".
Soon, Simon's boat was teeming with fish and about to sink.
Simon fell at Jesus's knees. " Leave me Master". He began to cry. " I am a sinner".
Jesus lifted Simon to his feet. " Come Simon follow me".
Jesus smiled. " I will make you a fisher of men".

research help: ' The Gospel of Gabriel' by Edward Hays

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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