Thursday, April 22, 2021

John 8:12 page 6

 John 8:12 page 6 by ric gustafson

Mr Kincaide knocked on the office door.
" Come in".
He entered a semi dark room. Jack was sitting next to the desk.
" Sit down Glen".
He sat down in an empty chair.
R J Sullivan handed Glen some sheets of paper. " Jack has been showing me numerous complaints about your low wattage light bulbs".
" Revenues are way up".
" That's all you care about".
" Of course". He frowned at Jack. " I always think about the bottom line".
Mr Sullivan walked over and opened his door. A security guard walked in.
" The reason this company is successful is it's loyal customers".
" Mr Sullivan, you hired me to make a profit for this company".
" I am promoting Jack to run this department".
" You can't do that".
" I can and I am". He pointed to the security guard. " Please escort Mr Kincaide to the front door".
He bitterly left the office.
" Make me proud Jack". He left the office.
Jack took out a light bulb from the desk and screwed it into a nearby lamp.
The office lit up. John 8:12

The End

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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