Saturday, April 24, 2021

3 days page 3

 3 days page 3 by ric gustafson

The caravan felt like one giant party. They were happy to be taking a trip even if only for a few weeks. Some people could go and some had to stay home. Yeshua was going to miss Ezra. He was looking forward to see his cousin John. He and his mother Elizabeth would meet them at a camp along the Mount of Olives.
The caravan traveled about twenty miles the first day. They traveled south through the Plain of Esdraelon. They stopped for the night near the town of Sebaste. It was cold that night so they huddled near a campfire.
The second day, the caravan traveled through Samaria. The region was wet with hills and valleys which was excellent for farming. They stopped for lunch near Shechem. The number of people in the group numbered 77. For a meal, the women served yogurt, dried fruit and olives. They had to give their animals rest and water before they moved on.
It was cool out that second night. Some people had blisters from walking. There were damaged carts and animals had sore hooves. There was plenty of water and a large fire to keep warm.
Yeshua was on night watch again.

research help: ' Three Days' by Chris Stepien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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