Friday, April 16, 2021

John 8:12 page 2

 John 8:12 page 2 by ric gustafson

Jack took a light bulb out of his bag. " I could bring you a little bit of light".
" Come in". The door slightly opened.
Jack stumbled through the front door. He could not see where he was walking.
" What's in your bag?".
" Light bulbs". He took another out of his bag. " Do you have a lamp close by?". He noticed a dark form along a wall.
" I like it dark".
Jack found a lamp. " I'm a Christian and I sell light bulbs".
" I'm not a Christian". The voice hesitated. " I like it dark".
Jack screwed the light bulb into the lamp. Light filled the room.
A loud shriek came from the wall. Then there was silence.
Jack ran over and saw a young man crumpled on the floor.
" Help me".
Jack knelt down and hugged the young man for a long time.
John 8:12 ' I am the Light of the World'.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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