Friday, April 30, 2021

3 days page 5

 3 days page 5 by ric gustafson

Yeshua was up early. He was anxious to start the day's journey. They were less than two days away from Yerushlem. He had bread and cheese for breakfast.
The caravan left and quickly they were on the north south highway. They were soon joined by other caravans. People from all over the known world would be joining the Nazarene caravan. There were people from the Holy Land. There were also visitors from Rome, Egypt, Phrygia and Libya. Yerushlem was expecting hundreds of thousands of visitors.
Once the caravan was on the highway, the pace was brisk. The caravan encountered the Tenth Roman Legion.  It was being sent by Rome to keep the peace during Passover.
By the late afternoon, the caravan stopped at Gabaon for the night. The city was less than ten miles from the Temple Mount. Yeshua was tired. His parents bought food. That night, they enjoyed a quiet Sabbath meal.

research help: ' Three Days' by Chris Stepien

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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