Sunday, April 18, 2021

John 8:12 page 4

 John 8:12 page 4 by ric gustafson

" Jack". Mr Kincaide was studying a file. " You have an impressive file".
" Thanks".
" You have been the top salesman here for years". He smiled. " What's your secret?".
" My work ethic is based on John 8:12".
Mr Kincaide frowned. " The bible doesn't mean anything to me".
" John 8:12 says I am the Light of the World".
" What does that mean?".
" He who follows me will not walk in darkness". He smiled. " But will have the light of life".
" I'm not sure what that means". He frowned. " But your work record as top salesman is incredible".
" Thank you". He gave his boss a quizzical stare. " I'm not sure why you asked me to see you".
" Jack". He grinned. " I would like to try lower wattage light bulbs".
" Lower wattage?".
" The lower the wattage". He smiled. " The more light bulbs companies will buy from us".
" Mr Kincaide". Jack frowned. " It sounds like you are trying to deceive people".
" Jack". He gave him a stern look. " Do you know what my principle is?".
" What principle is that?".
" The principle of making more money".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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