Saturday, April 17, 2021

John 8:12 page 3

 John 8:12 page 3 by ric gustafson

Jack yawned as he turned off his laptop. He picked up the purple workout bag from underneath his cubicle. The overhead light in the room was flickering. His plan for tonight was to work out and then attend a men's bible study at church. He stood up with the bag. There was a knock on his cubicle.
" Sorry to bother you Jack". Roger Francis sighed. " Mr Kincaide would like to see you before you leave for the day".
" Our new boss".
" Yep". He quickly left.
Jack walked down a dimly lit hallway. He stopped in front of a door that read ' Glen Kincaide'. He knocked.
" Come in".
He walked into a dimly lit office that was scantly furnished. He noticed that there was only a small lamp on a large wooden desk.
A small serious looking man walked over. He shook Jack's hand. " I'm Glen Kincaide". He smiled and pointed to an empty chair by the desk. " Please have a seat".
Jack sat down. He shook his hand. " I'm Jack Dallas".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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