Saturday, November 7, 2020

the fork in the road page 5

 the fork in the road page 5 by ric gustafson

Alvin stopped at the traffic light. He glanced at the map. He looked to his left. He smiled. He saw a big green sign saying ' Bay River Resort'. He drove into the huge parking lot. He drove up to a valet parking attendant. His name was Carlos.
" Could you bring in four suitcases please?". He gave the young man a tip. 
" Of course".
Alvin walked through double sliding doors to what resembled a tropical paradise. He walked up to the front counter.
" Can I help you?" asked a young man behind the counter.
" Yes, a reservation for Alvin Walters".
" Are you here for the Hanscom Corporation conference?".
" Yes, I am".
The attendant looked at the computer. " One queen size single room".
" Yes, that's fine".
The attendant kept staring at the computer screen. " How long will you be staying with us?".
Alvin smiled. " Five days".
" Super". He handed Alvin two keys. " Room 459". He smiled. " Take the elevator to the 4th floor and turn right".
Alvin noticed Carlos walk in with his luggage. " Carlos, can you please bring my bags up to Room 459?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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