Sunday, November 22, 2020

the fork in the road page 22

 the fork in the road page 22 by ric gustafson

God was intently watching the TV screen. An aide walked in and whispered into his ear.
" Alright". He frowned. " Send him in".
A tall man, wearing a dark red shirt and dark pants, walked in quietly and sat down.
God had sadness in his eyes. " I figured you would be back".
" I almost had him". He gave an evil chuckle. " I was that close".
" I told you he would not cave in".
He cackled again. " If I could have a little more time".
" No, I told you only had one more chance". He rang a buzzer. " That chance is now gone".
" With more time, I know he would bow down and curse your name".
" He didn't".
" That's it".
" Yes". An aide walked in. " Please escort Lucifer out of my sight".
After his adversary was gone, God went back to his TV screen.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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