Saturday, November 14, 2020

the fork in the road page 14

 the fork in the road page 14 by ric gustafson

Alvin and Frank Lyon were sitting at a table in the hotel restaurant. A waitress came over and poured each a cup of coffee. 
" Anything I can get for you".
Alvin grinned. " Yes, scrambled eggs and wheat toast".
She looked at Frank Lyon. " And you".
He handed her the menu. " Nothing right now".
She leaves.
Alvin hands Frank the piece of paper. " We have until Friday to come up with a rock solid presentation".
" The Board of Directors did not like it".
" I did notice you having problems presenting it". He stared at Alvin. " Is everything ok?".
" I have a lot on my mind".
" Like what?".
" My wallet was stolen". Alvin sighed. " And now I'm uneasy about my job".
" Alvin, have you ever thought that maybe God is punishing you for some reason?".
" No! I love God". He smiled. " I will not blame him for my problems".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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