Tuesday, November 17, 2020

the fork in the road page 17

 the fork in the road page 17 by ric gustafson

Alvin was very tired. He had been working on the revision for several hours. He began to drift off to sleep. Then, his cell phone rang. He tried to focus his eyes. " Hi honey". 
" Alvin". His wife's voice sounded scared. " I found out my hours at the flower shop are going to be reduced".
" Everything will be ok". He tried to reassure her. " The revision is coming along on schedule".
" I'm really scared Alvin". Her voice became more frantic. " I'm beginning to believe that God is really punishing us for some reason".
" I refuse to blame him for anything". His voice became calm. " We'll talk tomorrow". He closed his cell phone. His eyes began to drift asleep.
" Take the money". A voice rang loudly in his ear. " You need the money so take it".
Alvin stared at the blue suitcase. " We could really use that money right now". He got up from the chair. He began to walk toward the blue suitcase. 
" Sit down and pray" said a small quiet voice.
Alvin sat down and prayed. " God, I'm sorry that I almost did that". He began to cry. " I'm sorry please guard me from temptation".
He fell asleep in the easy chair.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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