Saturday, November 21, 2020

the fork in the road page 20

 the fork in the road page 20 by ric gustafson

" Alvin". Mr Hanscom studied the revision. " We can't afford to have this presentation fail".
" I know Sir".
" Alvin, I'm going to have Frank work on this tonight and tomorrow".
" But Sir".
" Work on your personal problems tonight and tomorrow". He smiled. " We'll talk tomorrow night".
Alvin walked back to his room. He turned on an old rerun of Gunsmoke. He took out his cell phone. He dialed a number.
" Hi honey". He grinned as he watched the old western. " Did the Red Cross help you secure a room for now?".
" Yes Alvin they did". The tired voice hesitated. " The insurance company has also assessed the damage".
" Good".
" Alvin, I'm upset at what's been happening to us". Her voice was now angry. " I've been cursing God".
" I won't". Alvin now talked clearly. " I refuse to blame God for what's happening to us".
" Ok Alvin, I'll try".
" Get some sleep". He sounded reassuring. " I'll talk to you tomorrow".
He prayed to God the rest of the evening.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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