Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Is there anything in that bag for me?

Is there anything in that bag for me? by ric Gustafson

I stood in a quiet corner of the mall. I was watching a man at work. He was not dressed like Santa Claus. He was young, black bearded and dressed in white. There was a long line of children getting on his knee. He was handing out presents from a never ending bag. I was not a Christian and did not believe in Christmas. But I could tell that this man was different.
It was Christmas Eve and it seemed as if the line would never end. This man was never irritable and always had a smile. He was a natural with children.
The last child had left. This man motioned for me to get on his knee. Why would he want a 24 year old man getting on his knee?.
I walked over and got on his knee. " Is there anything in that bag for me?".
Jesus smiled at me. " The gift I want to give you is not in this bag".
I gave him a strange look. " What gift is that?".
Jesus gave me a hug. " The free gift of eternal life".
I got off his knee, walked out of the mall and then pondered about this free gift.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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