Friday, November 2, 2018

calms for cares: The Door Man

calms for cares:  The Door Man by ric Gustafson

One day, I was standing next to a plain looking door. All of a sudden, I heard a knock. I opened the door. Standing there was a young bearded man. He was holding a vast key ring.
I gave him a startled look. " Who are you?".
Jesus smiled. " I am a door man".
I gave him a strange stare. " You are in charge of this door?".
" Actually, I am this door". Jesus smiled again. He stepped out of the doorway and locked the door.
" Why did you do that for?".
" When the time is right". He grinned at me. " I will open it for you".
I looked at my watch. " What do I do in the meantime?".
" Keep my Word and my commands". He gave me a hug. " And stay faithful".
I turned. Jesus was already gone.
I left with joy in my heart.

The End

research help: ' Trade your cares for calm' by Max Lucado

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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