Thursday, April 19, 2018

Wallenberg page 5

Wallenberg page 5 by ric Gustafson

On July 19 1944, Wallenberg entered the Hotel Majestic. He was searched for weapons by two SS men. He was directed upstairs to a large office on the second floor. He walked in to see Adolf Eichmann sitting behind a large walnut desk. The air was thick from smoke from Eichmann's cigarettes. He looked like a bureaucrat. His steel blue eyes looked angry.
He tapped a finger on his desk. " Why were you in Palestine in 1937?".
Wallenberg thought for a moment. " I believe the Jews should have a state of their own".
" I know all about you". He slammed a fist on the desk. " And your so called passes".
Wallenberg did not reply.
" You are a Jew lover and a fraud". He then smiled. " I will give you a trainload of protected Jews for a ransom".
Wallenberg refused. On his way out, he gave Eichmann a box of cigarettes and a bottle of whisky.

research help: ' The Envoy' by Alex Kershaw

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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