Friday, April 6, 2018

Titanic 2018 page 7

Titanic 2018 page 7 by ric Gustafson

There were sixteen life boats in the freezing water. Women were weeping for their lost husbands and sons. Sailors were crying when the liner went under. At 2 am, the bow and the bridge were completely under. Slowly the liner tilted and the stern was vertically up in the air. It remained this way for at least five minutes. Then the Titanic quietly went beneath the dark waves. Then the survivors heard the desperate cries of hundreds of people in the icy cold water. Survivors claimed that they heard the moans for at least an hour. Most of those in the boats were freezing from the bitter cold air and lack of warm clothing.
Some of the women who became heroes in their life boats included Mrs George Widener, Mrs William Carter, Mrs John Thayer, Mrs J J Brown, the Countess Rothes and Mrs Ware. The survivors rowed until about 5:30 am. Then they were rescued by a ship called the Carpathia.
What happened that night April 14 1912 the survivors of the Titanic will never forget.

The End

research help: ' On Board the Titanic' by Dover Publications

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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