Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I was there page 28

I was there page 28 by ric Gustafson

The procession stopped at three upright timbers.
The jailer was there with his detail. " Where's Barabbas?".
" Free". I spat on the dusty ground. " A Passover pardon".
He stared at Jesus. " So instead we have the King of the Jews". He smiled. " Alright, let's get started".
The first thief was put down on the cross beam. A spike was driven into each of his palms. He screamed. Then he was lifted upright. Rope was draped over his shoulders and wooden props were put underneath. Then the two beams were crossed together tight. Then spikes were driven into their feet.
The same thing was done to the second thief.
Then the same thing was done to Jesus.
Around 10 in the morning, I heard Jesus moan the words " Father, forgive them they don't know what they are doing".
Dice was thrown for his purple robe.
I looked up at the sky. It was getting windy and dark clouds were rolling in.

research help: ' The soldier who killed a King' by David Kitz

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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